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The wind blew through my hair as I walked to the subway with notti right next to me

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The wind blew through my hair as I walked to the subway with notti right next to me.We were supposed to be in school however notti decided he wasn't feeling it today and pulled me along to skip with him.
We were currently on our way to 'cause trouble' as in notti's words and the subway was our first stop.

"You're bad influence" I said pushing his shoulder."I am the influence " he replied turning to look at me.I chuckle at his comment while looking forward.We eventually made it to the subway.We walked down the steps looking for our 'victim'.I surveyed the area , observing my surroundings , something my dad taught me to do at all times.

As I watched over everyone , I noticed a group of boys dressed in black and ski masks looking directly at me.They all stood against the wall that faced the trains. Creeped out , I grabbed onto notti's hoodie , pulling it hard causing  him to halt his movement. He was clearly oblivious to what was going on.

"Stop" I whispered as he turned around.Noticing my demeanor changing , he held my hand and looked at me with  concern.I held onto his hands tightly , still looking at the group."notti lets go" I said pulling him back up the steps  and as if right on que , one of the boys from the group started running directly towards us pulling a gun out his pocket.

"NOTTI!" I screamed pulling him roughly up the stairs.At this point all of the boys were after us now.We held hands as we ran up the 24 stairs and onto the main pavements.I could hear the multiple foot steps and the screaming of people being shoved.

We ran and ran without looking back until we finally reach a abandoned apartment complex."come on jump up" notti said urging me climb up the old ladder."I'm scared ethan" I said hugging my arms looking the rusty structure. "you ain't got to be scared libe , just jump I got you" he reassured me while looking back.

For some reason his words soothed my fear a little. Here I was putting my trust in a 14 year old kid.Sighing , I held onto one of the rails and pulled my self up with notti pushing me up too.

I got up safely however just as I was about to reach my hand out to pull notti. We heard the loud shouting of people.I looked down at notti who held onto the bottom rail , with a scared look in my eyes."Come on" I said reaching out my hand.I use all my strength and pulled him up.He opened one the windows and pushed me in before closing it.

"Whea' that lil nigga at" one of the boys shouted as he came around the corner.We could literally see him and if he turned his head just a little he would see us too.

I started to panic when I heard the shaking of the ladder and the safety of the a gun being clicked off.I turned to notti as tears brimmed my eyes.Seeing his he hugged me closely to him as the tears spilled and my body trembled , wetting his hoodie.

I could hear his heart beating speedily too.The noises stopped and I heard the footsteps leave.

"they not here" the boy said before firing off his gun in anger.

Hearing the gun go off so close , my body shook in fear."I got you" notti whispered into my ears as I cried.

"I got you libe , I always got you right til' the end"

After a few minutes , he let me go and wiped my eyes.As he did so I just stared at him.A thin layer of sweat laid on his forehead which caused some of his hair to stick to it.His eyes were slightly red and his lip was bleeding as if he was bitting on it too hard.

I touched his bleeding lip , wiping off the blood on it before placing a kiss on his lips.Shocked he stopped wiping my tears and just stood there.I pulled back to see his reaction , his doe eyes were now dazed in shocked and we just stared at each other.Re-thinking my actions , before I knew it his lips were back on mine.

Our soft lips moved in perfect sync.My hands traveled to his neck and his to my waist never breaking the sweet affection.After a few moments we pulled away and I smiled beautifully.

"I like you notti"

"I like you too libe"

Are we moving too fast!
Excuse any mistakes <3
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𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐋' 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐃 ; notti osama Where stories live. Discover now