Mom Was Right

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Have you ever wondered what heaven was like? Most people have at least contemplated it in their lives. Cyrus Hart contemplated it often. If you were to say he grew up in a religious house that would be an understatement. And the whole Hart family were devout Christian's who did their best to follow the Lords word. They were kind hearted and offered a helping hand to everyone they came across and teaching their son to do the same. They truly were a perfect family, even in appearances. His mother and father were fairly short but built incredibly slender. His mother wore her icy blonde hair down and wavy, the way his father liked it. Where as Cyrus and his father shared the same golden honey shade of hair. Though unlike either of them Cyrus had the deepest blue eyes either of them had seen before. They almost looked violet. 

Often they would organize charity events for the less fortunate. Unlike how religion has been corrupted by many  people today they were accepting of everyone. No matter what path of life they walked they were all children of God. If you were homeless they wouldn't just give you a couple of bucks for a meal, but rather they would pay for a nice hotel with room service. Once Cyrus even found his mother calling around local hospitals to pay the bills of those who could not afford it. Usually for children or the elderly and sick spending the last of their days in a medical setting.

That was until his mother started to fall down the rabbit hole after she lost her own mom. At first it wasn't even noticeable, after all anyone would be devastated . Sometimes she would just be a little too spaced out, would do odd things like start to put random words in sentences it didn't belong. Things she had always done that were happening way more often. Eventually it became her listening to radio static and asking if anyone else could hear the angels. She said that they were speaking to her, singing just for them and blessing them. She would sit up for days at a time waiting for the messages they would apparently be sending in every day things yet no one else could piece it together.

It became clear that something clearly wasn't right but as a 6 year old what was he to do? He would often inquire about why his mother was acting so weird to his father, but he had no answers to give. Not until after she seen a psychiatrist of course where she was diagnosed as schizophrenic. They called what she was experiencing religious delusions and hallucinations and said that it would be episodic, but better controlled with medication if taken properly. Finally there was something he could tell their son, but the hope those words left would soon be trampled.

At first it did start off episodic. Then slowly over the next four years it got to the point that more often than not she was catatonic. Cyrus didn't even know if his mother could hear him half the time. During those times he would often do his best to take care of her and himself while his father worked. As young as he was he made it work and at the end of the day he would curl up in his mothers lap and wait for his father to get home. He would often drift to sleep there staring up at her and wondering what she was thinking about. Wondering if she could even differentiate what was reality anymore. And wondering if she couldn't then what did she think of him? Rarely she could stroke his hair as he did so and whisper sweet things to him that calmed his worries. Even rarer she would read to him from the Bible or tell Cyrus about how they were protect by God and the angels, and how grandma was looking down on them too. And whenever his father got home he would pick him up careful not to wake the young boy as he tucked him into his own bed.

The now 8 year old had always wondered if heaven was how she spoke of it. And to his surprise she was right. Some Soft and fluffy clouds were just in reach for him, just as soft and fluffy as their looks promised. It was light and airy but felt like a combination of silk and cotton. To his surprise he could easily lift himself up onto the cloud that stayed floating in place. Looking around he seen endless flora. Some flowers being much much bigger than the young boy and looked more like trees in comparison.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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