Love at first sight.

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Couldnt this be live at first sight?
Or should I walk by again?
You're photogenically dressed~
The conversation begins-
Oh God, Now what did I say?
Let me start over again..

Winter rolled around again, I mean Dallon wasn't surprised when it finally came around again, it always does. Its just logical really.
Winter was his favorite season, the weather got much colder, blankets of snow covered streets, the smell of damp pine trees that made the air smell fresh and clean, what wasnt there to like?

The light of the new morning filtered through the cracks in the blinds of Dallons windows. Right as his eyes were readjusting to the light he saw that snow covered the streets and it was noticeably much colder. He climbed out of his bed and grabbed one of his warm sweaters from the closet and put it on over his shirt. The feeling of the soft warm wool against his skin made his heart feel overjoyed - Today was going to be a good day for him.

About two hours passed and he realized his favorite coffee shop was about to open - the only thing on his mind was coffee now, he then changed out of his pajama pants, put on some random pair of jeans he found on his bedroom floor then ran out of his apartment and darted for the coffee shop that was about fifteen minutes away.

On the way there he accidentally bumped onto some complete stranger.

"Shit. I'm sorry about that.." He helped the girl up.
"Oh It's fine." She said while laughing softly.
Dallon smiled softly at her. Something about her drew him to her, even though they met just a few seconds ago - He really wanted to get to know her for absolutely no good reason.
"Can I buy you a coffee..?" He said while awkwardly smiling at her.
"Why not." She smiled "Lead the way! Oh- And whats your name?"
"Dallon and you?"
Dallon nodded then held her hand and made his way to the coffee shop.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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