Snowdrift - Heeseung

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It was December 16th when the first snow of the year came. Y/N had been in school taking a math quiz when the first few flakes fell. It started off lightly, but was soon a thick blanket of snow that covered the dying grass completely. The weatherman had stated that the snow wouldn't amount to anything in the end and rain would follow it, washing it all away. However, the didn't turn out to be true, as the snow fell for the remainder of the day and there was at least a foot and a half of it. When she got home, Y/N made herself a cup of hot chocolate and sat down to drink it. She looked out the window while doing so, enjoying the view of the final few snow flakes landing on the ground.

"Pretty, isn't it?" Her mom appeared seemingly out of nowhere and asked. Y/N startled slightly at the sudden voice but quickly settled down upon realizing it was only her mom.

"Yeah, it is. You should've heard everybody in class when the snow first started. You'd think they've never seen snow before." Y/N giggled slightly as she turned around in order to see her mother better.

"You kids get excited over the strangest things, I swear." Her mom shook her head but laughed as well, "Go wash up for dinner, it's almost done."

So, Y/N went to the bathroom and washed her hands before heading to the dinner table and joining her family for dinner. Once dinner was over, she went to her room to prepare for bed.

The next morning when Y/N woke up the snow was piled on the ground in a thick layer. The trees had icicles hanging from their branches and it was an entire winter wonderland in Y/N's front yard. She went to the window and pulled the curtains all the way open in order to get the best possible view. A smile spread across her face as she took in the environment.

"Mom, have you seen the snow? There's a lot more than there was yesterday." Y/N called out as she made her way to the kitchen. She spotted her mom cooking something and sat down on a stool across from her.

"Yeah, I did. It's disgusting, right?" Her mom pretended to gag as she took a pan from the drying rack and put it into the cabinet.

"It's beautiful, mom! Look at the icicles. They're like crystals." Y/N glanced out the window once more while describing them.

"You won't be saying that when we're shoveling. Anyways, you still have school so you best be ready if you want me to drive you. Otherwise, you're walking in the snow." It wasn't necessarily a threat, but Y/N wasn't to fond of walking through the snow, so she quickly scarfed down some cereal and got dressed for school.

Upon leaving her house, Y/N saw a snowman in the yard. It was just a normal snowman but it was wearing a denim jacket and a beret. Y/N laughed slightly as she walked up to it.

"Mom, this is cute. Did you make this?" Y/N rested her hand on the snowman's beret and glanced at her mother.

"No, I didn't. Who in their right mind would get up this early to make a snowman? It is cute though." Her mom opened the car door and got in, telling Y/N to do the same.

After looking at the snowman for a second more, Y/N complied and got into the car. She thought about the strange snowman the entire ride to school.

"So it was just a snowman?" Y/N's best friend, Yoori asked once Y/N told her about it.

"Yeah, but it had a denim jacket and a beret on. It was really cute, to be honest. I just wonder how it got there." Y/N shrugged and closed her locker. The two girls began to walk down the hall together, heading to their first class of the day.

"Maybe your dad made it before he went to work? That'd be kind of weird though, I suppose." Yoori stayed silent and thought for a moment for an answer to the new found mystery.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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