Aromantics unite!

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I found out one of my best friends was aromatic too, here is how I found out.
So I was eating lunch with my friends and there are these 5 year olds beside us, they are pretty annoying but adorable and very evil, but that's not the point. Out of nowhere, my friend starts laughing; I ask why and they say that the kid said "I like boys" and I came over and pretty much asked the 5 year old gay stuff (nothing sexual of course). I ask him if he was gay and he said "NO! Your gay!" And I pretty much died, but I responded "true". After a little while I asked him the same question, he said yes, he also called me a fuckhole but moving on-. I asked him if he was married to his best friend as a joke and he responded yes, obviously this is a kid who doesn't know the meaning of gay but it's still funny. Somehow this ended in me interviewing my friends to see if they were gay, idk how. One of my friends was bi, the other one claimed she was straight but she has grabbed girls butts apparently (weird) so I don't really believe that.  And my other friend said he never had a crush on anyone. I decided to give him a quiz and his answers gave "sex repulsed aroace" so yay, three gays in a group :D.

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