I'm Sorry

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I'm Sorry

C h a p t e r 15

Your P.O.V:
"Ugh..it's morning already?" I asked as I pushed the blanket aside as I sat up.
I still feel bad about yesterday.
Hm,I guess I'll apologize to him by texting him.
I grabbed my phone and started typing.

~ Scaramouche,my beloved ~
"Hey Scara"

"I wanted to apologize"

"I was feeling upset yesterday, after

hearing of Kazuha's death."

"I hope you understand."

"I'm really sorry."

"I didn't mean to make you feel upset,"

"Jeez,did you have to text me

this early?"

"But,it's fine."

"I was wondering why you were acting so

strange anyway."

"I'm sorry about your loss.Not

that I care or anything."
You replied with ❤️

"Thank you for forgiving me Scara
Scaramouche's my beloved,
replied with 🙄

A laugh escaped my lips.
"Heh..he acts like he doesn't care but he actually does.Cute." I muttered as I smiled,staring at the screen.
"Y/n?You are about to miss the bus!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

"H-huh??Give me a moment!" I shouted as I quickly grabbed my uniform and put it on.
"Okay,okay!Bye mom!I'll see you later!" I exclaimed as I waved at my mother as I opened the door.
"Enjoy your day at school,sweetie!" My mother exclaimed as she waved back.
"I will,thanks mom!" I shouted once again as I closed the door.

"Hah...ugh.." I panted as I sighed.
"Y/n? Are you okay.." R/N asked.
"Do I look okay?" I asked as I sent a glare.
"Exactly," I huffed as I sat on my seat.
"It's tiring to climb up the stairs just to be in this damn classroom," I said.
"True," R/N added before returning to her seat.

"I'm kinda bored.." I thought.
I turned around,my eyes lit up for a second.
I looked down and frowned.
"Kazuha.." I muttered.
Ah..I really need to get over this.
Tears fell from my eyes.

Why am I..
I felt a sudden embrace.
"Huh?" I asked as I looked up.
"Scara?.." I asked as my teary eyes met his.
"You look ugly when you cry,you know that?So stop crying.It's..annoying.." Scaramouche grumbled as he hugged me tighter.

"I miss him,Scara.I lost my closest friend.." I sobbed as Scaramouche let me cry on his shoulder.
"Sigh,just let it out." Scaramouche said as he patted my back,not looking at me.
"Tch.Crying over such a thing..." Scaramouche muttered.

Deep in his heart,he knew how losing someone felt.
He didn't like the fact that you missed another guy,but he didn't like the fact you were crying more.

My eyes widened as I blushed.
"Sorry." I muttered as I pulled away.
"Embarrassed?How cute." Scaramouche said as he smirked.
"Shut up." I said as I pushed Scaramouche away gently.

Scaramouche smirked as he leaned closer.
"What are you..?" I asked,my eyes widened in shock.
Scaramouche kisses my lips before pulling away.
"You-!" I exclaimed as I touched my lips with my finger.
Scaramouche smirked as he walked away.
I blushed furiously as I hid my face.

~After class~
"Hey y/n~~In the morning when you know kissed you~?" R/N teased,making me drop my spoon.
"Sh-shut up." I said.
"You are so in love~" R/N teased once more.
"Shut up."

I was walking to my class,until I ran into a teacher.
"Ah,you're y/n right?" Ningguang asked.
"Ah..Mrs.Ningguang and Mrs Beidou. Good afternoon." I said as I bowed.
"Good morning." Ningguang replied.
Beidou smiled as she waved,which I waved back.
"Would it be alright if you gave these to Heizou?" Ningguang asked.
"Ah,of course,Mrs.Ningguang." I said as I took the papers from her hand.
What are these for...
"Thanks a lot,y/n!We owe you!"Beidou shouted as she pulled Ningguang to somewhere.
"Yes.." I said.
As soon as the couple left,I sighed.
"Hah.. I better give this to Mr.Heizou." I said as I quickened my pace.

Could these papers be for the incident..?
"Mr.Heizou?I'm sorry I'm late.Mrs.Ningguang and Mrs.Beidou wanted me to pass these papers to you," I said as I walked up to Mr.Heizou.
"Thanks,y/n~"Heizou said with a smile.
I nodded as I walked to my seat,and soon class began.

~After school~
"Hah..Finally I can go home." I grumbled as I grabbed my bag.
"Scara!" I shouted as I walked up to Scaramouche.
"Hey.Let's go." Scaramouche said as he held my hand.
"Hm?" I asked as I looked down at my hand.
Scaramouche blushes as he looked away.
I giggled as I smiled.
"Hey,Comrade!" Childe shouted.
"Hey y/n." Signora said with a smile.
"Ah,hello Childe and Signora." I said with a smile.
"So what we're you two talking about comra—"
"Shut up." Scaramouche snapped.

"Okay,this is it.Thank you for accompanying me all the way here,see you tomorrow." I said with a smile.
"Anytime." Signora said.
"No problem,Comrade!" Childe exclaimed.
"Whatever." Scaramouche said.
I smiled as I waved one last time before walking in.
"How was your day,sweetie?" M/n asked.
"I really had a good time,mom." I said with a smile.
M/n's eyes widened,but softened soon after.
"I'm glad.Dinner's on the table by the way." M/n said.
I nodded as I placed my bag and my shoes on the ground neatly.
After that,I walked to the kitchen and washed my hands,and walked back to the dining table and sat down.
"Thank you for the food!" I exclaimed as I ate a mouthful.
M/n smiled as she did the same.
"Sweetie,I'm really sorry to say this..." M/n said as she looked down.
"Huh?What is it mom?" I asked.
"Your friend,Kazuha passed away.And we will be attending his funeral."
"Ah..I see." I said.

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