Only Part

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There was once a girl, She is Basura. She was disregarded by everyone, even her parents! One day when Basura was finding a place to stay at, she found basurero... but basurero was over her league. 😢 Little did she know Basurero was in love with her, even from the beginning. Basurero wants to talk to her but is always blocked by other girls, Basurero is also scared that he might get hated for liking and/or talking to Basura. Later on, Basurero got the courage to talk to Basurera. They also became really close "friends" after a while... slowly Basura, found out that Basurero is a RED FLAG. 🚩 "OMG! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?! WASEN'T BASURERO THE PERFECT GUY?" Basura asked herself. When she started to realize this, she also distanced herself from Basurero. Basurero noticed this and talked to Basura (through chat). "Basura, why are you distancing yourself from me?" "I am sorry Basurero, I am just not ready for a relationship." Basura lyingly answered. "Then I will wait for you, I will wait till you're ready." Basurero said. This message made Basura blind (not literally),because of this message Basura was blinded/ignored Basurero's red flags. They became even closer, until they hit a situation-ship (magjowa pero no label so di mag jowa iykyk) During there time of situation-ship, Basurero was slowly disappearing from Basura's life. Sadly, Basura didn't notice this so she continued trying to hangout with Basurero, but he kept making excuses. Until one day, he just went poof, and disappeared... fully. This left Basura broken hearted (obviously). At a slow pace Basura recovered from this heart break, She also learned to be Independent, and she lived happily ever after, while Basurero got what he deserves, he felt the pain of Basura. The End!

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