Untitled Part 1

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As Pikku walked off the plane she thought about what would happen when she met him. Her love, her other half. 

Der waited anxiously for Pikku's arrival. What would this all entale? What would Pikku be like? All of his questions would be answered in time. 

Der soon heard a knock on the door. He rushed over, swung it open, and saw Pikku! 

"Hi!" he exclaimed

"Hello." replied Pikku.

"Come inside!" Der said welcomingly.

As Pikku walked inside she began to notice that this was no ordinary house. It was themed around eyeballs. 

"This is a... very odd house you have..." she said.

"Thank you." replied Der.

Before Pikku could say another word, Der began to peel off his own skin. 

"WHAT THE HELL?" yelled Pikku.

"What is wrong m8?" asked Der as he continued to remove his skin.

"WHAT ARE YOU??" she screamed.

"I'm a beholder..." he replied casually.


"No..." Said Der.

Pikku and Der began to discuss the current issue.

"Der... I'm sorry but we cannot be in love." said Pikku.

"What? I thought you loved me?" replied Der.

"You are a beholder, I, a human." explained Pikku.

"It simply cannot be."

"Before you go, come and look at my art." said Der.

"Ok." replid Pikku.

On the way to the art room, Pikku noticed a red head boy sitting down watching an M&M music video.

"Der... who's that?" asked Pikku as she pointed at the boy.

"That's my husband. His name is Youri." replied Der

Youri waved at Pikku. "Hi! Wanna play the binding of isaac?"

Pikku began to storm out of the house, but she encountered a brown haired boy with a mane. 

"Hai." said the boy.

"DER. WHO IS THIS???" yelled Pikku. 

"Oh that's ninus." replied Der.

"My other husband."

Der whispered into Pikku's ear.

"His school has really crappy internet."

Pikku rushed out of the house, but was tripped by a small toy trailer.

"AH!" she screamed.

She then saw a young dragon playing with trailer toys.

"WHAT THE FUCK DER?" Pikku then yelled.

"My little brother. He likes trailers." replied Der.

"Rawr. Potatoes. I make things awkward and make bad jokes." said the dragon.

"I'm out." said Pikku as she hopped into a taxi and drove away.

She then woke up and realised it was all a dream. gg. dream 2 op plz nerf.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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