part 1

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'Diiiiiing,diiiiiiiing' "uhghhg his stupid alarm" i say as i roll over my bed which feels more comfortable then anything right which is shocking cause my matress is letrelly a fucking rock

I drags himself out of the bed,not kidding letrelly drag 

I sigh as i get myself to my bathroom that's attached to my room

Time skip (after getting ready)

After the shower i pick an teal sweater,written fun club on it and an black ripped jeans

I look at the time on the phone "ohh shit!" I say as i make rub for school it was 7:30 the school starts in 30 min oh shit,i don't usually take bus i usually walk but right if i even wanted to take the bus i can't it already fucking gone,how bad can a day be?

By the time i get the school it's 7:45 "thank God" i sighed with relief

As i get closer to the to the entry i am just wishing that i don't bump into anyone especially them i am already tired i don't wanna get my head slammed at my locker again

I am in the hallway and the bell had already rung for the first period but i don't u could make it in time so i just thought of skipping the first and i thought I'll get some time to myself as they will be in there classes right now but no,the universe fucking hate doesn't it author?

As i was going to the secret place i found where, there are the most beautiful flower ever i have even made a flower crown in the memory of Eryn,oh he's not dead my parents just moved i begged to not but i have no importance to them so yeah they didn't me no mind

Me Eryn talk a lot and i think he'd the only one keeping me sane but our timezone doesn't really help us talk

Yeah so u was getting to my secret place "Hello Tommy" fucking ranboo out of all the people! "Going without even saying a goodbye i see how it is" I i could practically hear his smirk in his work though my back was turned to him

I visibly wince hearing his voice, okay now Tommy you have to option, opinion number one,talk this out somehow and just escape orrr option number 2 which is just to make a run to the restroom and when the period is about to over just some how get to the class

And now my stupid ass as always make stupid decision,tho right row i do belive i was right i just have hear him coming near that would have helped,the footsteps

If you don't understand stil then let me tell you i made a run but what i didn't realised was that when i was playing 'would you rather in my head' he came toward who's footsteps i didn't heard,now if you want to know something that is ranboo is talk and it doesn't help that i am fucking 5.6 okay! It's not faut 5.6 I'd average height! It's just that every single person in this school is a beast

Now I'll tell you a bit later what happened with ranboo and his other bullie,now i was talking about them now if you don't them which you probably don't let me tell you

There are 3 kinda group who bullie me,yeah 3 not kidding that's fucking awful i know alright! I know!

It may seem you have already met a person that is ranboo but ther are 2 more people with him first is ranboo as you know he's the person who find the most fun in bullying me,i mean what's that fun about me anyeays comeon leave me alone dude,things you need to know,ranboo is an football player then every one has a crush on like you know that hot guy in the school he's that,people don't even acknowledge when I say that HE was the one who pranked the teacher not me,that he just did it to get me in trouble

Then next come tubbo he's the second guy who like to bully me the group,no one belives me when i say that i saw tubbo taking out my notes my locker, cause he is this innocent guy who couldn't even kill a fly

At third come purpled he doesn't really bully me but when he does i it is horrible,he is also in the football team with ranboo he's the quite one but there are still simp for him

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