Krolia gets told about Lance- Klance

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This'll be a kinda rewrite of the scene where Keith comes back to the team.
Keith turned to face his mother after yet another flashback.
"So, that's why you left?" he asked. Krolia sighed and nodded.
"I'm sorry, Keith," she looked up and looked him in the eyes. Keith sat down next to her. He looked upset, but not for that reason. Krolia looked at him again.
"Keith, like I sai-" she started. Keith looked up and smiled sadly.
"Don't worry, that's not it, mum," he looked back down.
"Oh.. What's wrong then?" Krolia asked and kindly as she could. Keith went silent, blushing. Krolia noticed this.
"Keith? What's up?" she turned towards him. Keith would've teared up, but spoke before the tears fell.
"There's this... boy... on team Voltron.. His name is Lance.. Before I left, I was gonna tell him.. well... I like him. I just miss them all, but especially him," Keith said, whipping the tears as they fell. He'd failed to stop himself from crying. Krolia was about to say something, when a flashback came. It was one of Keith's.

Keith kneeled down next to Lance, grabbing his hand.
"Lance, are you okay?" he asked as Lance slowly sat up, grunting.
"We did it.." Lance sounded weak as the words came out of his mouth. His face had a warm, yet sad, smile plastered on it. "We are a good team." Keith only looked into Lance's eyes, worried, but then smiled at the other boy.

Then. It ended. Like any other flashback. This time, Keith went bright red, but looked upset, too.
"Was that boy?" Krolia asked. Keith nodded. Krolia smiled.
"Tell me more about him," she said.
"Well.. He's from Cuba. I haven't met his family, but from what I know, they're really nice. He has this... adorable, but also so annoying laugh. His hair.. God.. even though it's so short, it's so fluffy! And don't even get me started on his eyes! God... everything about is amazing.." Keith would've went on and on, but chose not to.
"Hehe, he sounds nice," Krolia laughed. Keith smiled.
"He is," he blushed.

Krolia and Keith had landed in the castle. Lance came up to him first. He ran into Keith's arms.
"Keeeeith!!!" Lance smiled. "Wait? What happened to you?! When'd you get- taller?! And your- your- NEVER MIND!" Keith laughed and so did Krolia.
"So is that the Lance you were talking about?" Krolia asked. Keith went red.
"Mother, don't say a word about what I told you," Keith sounded flustered, but stern. It took Krolia a second, but it clicked eventually. She smirked.
"He likes your hair, eyes, well-" she would've continued, but Keith stopped her.
"OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Keith was bright red. Pidge was laughing their ass off. Hunk was chuckling to himself. Shiro tried to hold in a laugh. Coran, Allura and Romelle looked confused. And Lance. God. He was as red as his lion. Or Keith's jacket. Either way, he looked like he'd stopped working.
"Uh- K-Keith.. Everyone, mind if I have a minute alone with him..?" Lance asked. Everyone left, but Pidge stayed outside the room.
"Lance, I-" Keith was saying, but Lance grabbed Keith's hand.
"Don't. I love you. I want you to know that," Lance smiled, his blush had died down, well, kinda. Keith smiled. He laughed.
"God... I love you too, Lance," he continued to laugh. Lance started to now too.
"Soooo, does this mean-?" Lance started, but Keith only kissed Lance's cheek.
"If you want it to, then yes," he smiled. The two looked into each other's eyes before leaning in. Their lips connected and the two shared a longish, passionate kiss.

Krolia was looking with Pidge. She smiled. Her son was happy. She could tell. She was happy too.

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