The Māori warrior||:anger

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I walked in the cafeteria and I heard someone yelling my name "Y/N COME SIT WITH US!" I turned around and I saw a group of girls sitting at a table, it was mina and the girls I walked over and I sat down "woah so it is true you do have tattoos!" Uraraka said, I smiled and I started to eat my food "so y/n what country were you born in?" Jirou asked "oh i was born in New Zealand I moved here because my father couldn't fly back to New Zealand, my cousins Aunty and uncles had to come as well because they couldn't afford a house" I said, the girls were shocked and they looked like they wanted to know more about me "so how many people are living with you" uraraka asked "I have 8 older cousins but all of them are just boys, I have 8 Aunty's, each Aunty has only 1 child, I have 8 uncles and I have a little brother" I said "woah you have a big family so how old is your little brother?" Momo asked "he is 14, I'm 15 years old" I said, the girls looked at me with shocked eyes "YOUR 15!" I nodded and all the girls looked so shocked "GIRL ISNT THAT ILLEGAL TO GET YOUR TATTOOS DONE AT A YOUNG AGE!" Mina said "well yeah but I was blessed with them

The girls were so surprised but at the same time shocked "hey extra can I talk to you" I looked up to see bakugou "which one?" Mina asked "Y/N!" He yelled and everyone stared at us "oh ok" I got up and I followed bakugou, bakugou turned to a corner so I did as well until I felt someone grabbing me by the hair and it was bakugou "listen to me extra I'm suppose to be the strongest one here got it and you probably but those tattoos on for no Fucken reason so might as well stand down and show some respect to the headmaster around here got it!" Bakugou yelled, I nodded, I was angry but a tear dropped and bakugou laughed "ha, I thought you maoris were strong fellas, I guess I was wrong after all, you are so weak" bakugou laughed, I walked off and my greenstone fell off, I went to pick it up but someone grabbed it, I looked up and saw bakugou holding it "woah I never knew that greenstones were that ugly up close, I guess you won't be needing this anymore" bakugou smirked "NO!" You screamed

But it was too late.. bakugou had already smashed it into tiny bits of pieces, tears filled my eyes as i felt the pain again. The same pain that you had when your nan died. The same pain you had when your papa died. The same pain when your eldest died, you were angry "UGH YOU BITCH!" I punched bakugou with all my strength and he went flying to the other said of the hall, I walked over to him and I punched him even more, I felt someone pulling me back "LET ME GO LET ME GO AT HIM" you launched back at him and you guys started to beat each other up bruises everywhere but then you got so angry you accidentally used your quirk, lightning flashed and bakugou landed on the ground "KACCHAN!!" Deku screamed, I looked at bakugou and I looked at my hands, I looked at everyone and they looked scared "y-you I-idiot" bakugou coughed "y-you d-didn't tell m-me w-we were using q-quirks." Bakugou whispered "well maybe if you didnt SMASH MY GREENSTONE ON THE GROUND MAYBE I WOULD OF USED MY QUIRK!" I yelled and I walked out with my bag and left

The Māori warrior ||Kirishima x bakugou x y/n||Where stories live. Discover now