Chapter 13 ~ Sister??

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Matt's P.O.V

M-"You won't have to worry about that!"
SC-"Why's that?
M-"Your my sister??"
SC-"Your Matthew, your my brother. No way!"
M-"I guess I am, everyone calls me Matt but the way. I can't believe I have a baby sister, another younger sister but you are much younger... but that's impossible my... I mean our father is dead. Mom killed him!"
SC-"I know mom had a me when she was still with dad but gave me up, father died four years later cause he wanted me back!"

Both of us just sat in silence after our previous conversation until a nurse walked past and started talking to the doctor.
N-"Miss Dawson's vitals are stable, her medication is working but I suggest we take her off them."
D-"Why, if they are working, leave the in."
N-"Doctor you don't understand, Miss Dawson's urine test came back and it's positive for pregnancy."
D-"Okay take her off the one that will affect the baby and keep the ones that are helping her head."

The nurse walked in and made her way towards Gabby. I had no idea she was pregnant, maybe I missed the signs, her craving for chocolate covered carrot sticks, early morning vomiting at work and that doctors appointment. Did she know and didn't tell me.
N-"I'm just going to take out some medication and everything will be fine.
SC-"Why?" She said testing the nurse, Skye had also heard.
N-"Well it's bad for the rest of her body. We looked at her with unbelief.
N-"Fine! Did you over hear me and the doctor?"
M&SC-"Yes!" We said at the same time."
N-"Miss Dawson is pregnant and we don't want to harm the baby.

Then all of a sudden, we all heard a week low groan coming from the room. Was it, yes it was, she was awake!
G-" baby??...."

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