chapter 5.

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Yelan was looking at Keqing, who keeps caressing Ganyu's thigh, who keeps giving her small kisses when nobody is looking and who keeps wispering in her ear so Ganyu gets red. She's just playing me, right? She's the type to play hard to get, I'm sure she doesn't actually like Ganyu, Who would like her anyway? Oh Keqing, you don't have to suffer anymore, I'm here.

*Keqing's pov:*

Class was over, after a long time of messing around with Ganyu. She was about to grab her bag, until a small note  was attached to it.

Meet me in the restroom
- Yelan

Huh? Why so all of a sudden? Well, good luck, Keqing.

"Hey Ganyu, I have to go real quick."

"That's okay, I'll wait here."

She goes to the restroom and looks for Yelan. She was about to leave until someone pulls her in one of the stalls.

"There you are, I was hoping you would came."

"Well, what's so important why you wanted me to meet you here?"

"Well, I think you can get better than Ganyu, look at me. Am I not way better?'

"Uhh no. Not even close."

"Then what's so special about Ganyu?"

"She's nice, she understands me and her smile already makes me crazy."

"I have that too, I don't think Ganyu feels the same for you, dear. She's obviously using you for attention."

"Probably because you don't even know what real love is. It doesn't matter if someone is bullied or not, pretty or ugly, I love her."

"Well then, I won't keep bothering you. Otherwise, I'm always open for a kiss~"

"Go find someone else, Yelan. I'm not interested."

She walks away, back to Ganyu. Ugh, I hate this type of people, always want to ruin someone's else's moment. I love Ganyu, no matter what.

"Hey Ganyu, I'm back."

"Hi there, Maths and Economics have dropped out, so we only have Geography now."

"Good, so now we can spend more time together after school."

"That's why I'm so exited about it."

"I had some things planned to do together~"

She comes closer to Ganyu and whispers something in her ear, wich made Ganyu chili red.

*Yelan's pov:*

Oh, what's so secret that she has to whisper? I don't know, but I'm going to find out. Oh shit, now I have to see those two doing nothing than messing around with eachother. All those fake acts, it gives me headaches.

*Keqing's pov:*

Okay, now I'm going to be more obvious that I don't want Yelan. She gets me on my nerves. She's just some spoiled bitch who thinks she gets everything she wants, I'm done with it.

Keqing keeps caressing Ganyu's thigh and whispers "I love you" every time Yelan is watching.

"Keqing, don't you think this is a little too much? I know that you love me, but no need to repeat it."

"Yelan gets me on my nerves, I have told her over 10 times I'm with you, and that I don't want her."

She wispers into Ganyu's ear. She had no idea what Keqing was talking about.

"What do you mean?"

"At lunch break she called me to the restroom, she pulled me into one of the stalls and said I could get way better than you. I think she likes me.. she even wanted to kiss me. I declined, of course, but she won't understand that I'm dating you and not going to change my mind, that's why I keep telling I love you whenever she's watching."

"Oh, really? Then.. you can do everything you want. Thanks for being honest with me, Keqing."

"No problem, you're everything to me."

And she gives her a small, short kiss on her cheek. If Yelan still keeps bothering me like this, I have to go further until she stops. I don't care if i have to fuck Ganyu infront of her, I have to make it clear.

*Yelan's pov:*

Oh, please not again.. you can say anything you want, Keqing, but deep from the inside i know you like me more than her. Finally, class is over. I'm going to follow them.

The 2 walk to Ganyu's house, with Yelan following. She waits for them to go to Ganyu's room, and after 8 minutes they show up, with Yelan looking trough the window. She couldn't see anything, but when she got closer, she sees the most unholiest things she ever saw. Quick, grab your phone and record them, i have an idea..

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