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"Well, this is nostalgic, don't you think?" Kawaki asks as we sit on night watch together. The stars are out, scattered across the dark sky like jewels, and the air is cool and crisp. It feels peaceful, but there's always the chance of danger.

"Hmm, I guess," I say, leaning back against the medium-sized oak tree where we're stationed. "And this time, we're not talking about our trauma." I smile slightly, recalling how most of our past conversations were about the hardships we faced.

We're supposed to patrol the campsite, but sitting down is much more our style. Our bodies are just inches apart, and I can feel the warmth radiating off him. Part of me wants to close that gap, to lean in and erase the space between us. But there's always that doubt in my mind—what if he doesn't feel the same? What if it's just wishful thinking?

"Hey, Kawaki, if you don't mind me asking," I start hesitantly, "who's that bubblegum-looking girl? You know, the one you've been hanging around with." I try to sound casual, but a hint of sadness slips into my voice. I hope he doesn't notice.

"Oh, her," he replies, rolling his eyes. "Her name's Eida, and she's goddamn annoying. Like, seriously, she's the worst."

I chuckle at his reaction. "So why do you hang out with her if she's that bad?"

"'Cause I have to," Kawaki says, his voice edged with frustration. "And the worst part is, she's got this huge crush on me. But I have a crush on someone else, so it's super awkward. Plus, the only way she agreed to switch sides in this whole Code mess was if Boruto and I live with her. Can you imagine how much of a drag that is?"

I turn to look at him, and I can't help but admire his laid-back posture. His head is tilted back against the tree, one leg stretched out and the other bent up with his arm resting on it. His dual-colored hair frames his face, his ashen eyes reflecting the starlight. He looks... well, he looks really good. And it makes me want to reach out and touch him, just to know he's real.

"But on another note," Kawaki says, breaking my thoughts, "who's guy you were talking to at dinner?"

"He's an annoying nobody," I reply, crossing my arms, though I can feel a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

"That's not what I meant," Kawaki says, his voice dropping a bit as if he's trying to get something across without saying it outright.

"Ohh," I respond, finally realizing what he's hinting at, and I can't help but let out a laugh. "What are you? Jealous, perhaps?"

"Tch, as if," he replies, dismissing the idea with a slight roll of his eyes.

"Mhm, sure, whatever you say, Kawaki," I tease, giving him a playful nudge on the shoulder.

But he doesn't let it go at that. I feel him grab my shoulder and suddenly pull me into his side, catching me off guard and making my face flush with heat. I turn to look at him with a slight pout, my heart racing from the sudden closeness.

"What was that for?" I ask, pretending to be annoyed, though I can't hide my smile.

"Just to annoy you," he replies with a smirk, clearly enjoying the moment.

I sit back up, closing the distance between us, and rest my head on his shoulder, letting my arm drape across his chest. It's a bold move, but it feels right, and I like the way his warmth seeps through his clothing.

I hear him take a sharp breath, and I immediately pull back, worried that I might've crossed a line. "Sorry, I didn't mean to—"

"Just shut up and get back here," he says, and before I know it, he's pulling me back, draping his arm around my shoulders and leaning his head against mine.

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