Chapter One

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AN: Hello, i hope you enjoy this story, as mentioned in the description this story is for an 18+ audience. There will be dark themes within the story, starting from here so if that is not for you then please don't read!

Let me know what you think and i hope you enjoy!


"No, absolutely not! Come on James, you did this to me last time!"

Seething from a discussion with your boss; you can't contain the redness of your face or the frantic waving of your arms in defence as the realisation that you will have train ANOTHER apprentice rather than focusing on your own work sets in.

"I know, I know, look just do this one more for me? Please sweet, you're brilliant at this and the apprentices always enjoy working with you!".

He was either choosing to ignore your annoyance or he was too busy to care, either way you already knew you were going to do it; it just angers you that he always chooses you to do this, but showing him you had somewhat of a backbone couldn't hurt.

James Barns is your boss, he's generally easy going and easy to get along with but you've seen the other side of him too, the side that your colleagues fear, when he doesn't get his way, or something doesn't go to plan.

Basically, he's like an overgrown child in a man's suit.

You and James have worked together for a long time and although he's your boss he respects you just as you do him.

You're good at your job and he knows that. You're also easy on the eyes, he knows that too.

".... FINE! But this is the last one for a while, and you owe me!" you retaliate whilst pointing a finger in his direction.

James' face lights up and he pushes himself off the wall he was leaning against, grabs the top of your arms and shakes you slightly.

"HAHA, Brilliant. Thanks doll, you're the best".

God I love putting my hands on her, he thought, a small grin tugging at his lips.

To James you were almost like forbidden fruit, probably because you were one of the only women here that he hadn't slept with or seduced, yet.

He let out a low 'hmm' noise as he looked down at your beautiful, annoyed face, blood threatening to rush to his cock.

Always getting his own goddamn way.

Seriously where does this guy get off? You thought, looking up at him, craning your neck due to the height difference.

He's so incredibly arrogant but gets away with murder due to his charisma and good're not entirely indifferent to him either, even though it infuriates you.

Rolling your eyes, you turn away from him to leave his office, before you open the door you hear him mutter, "I just love to watch you leave" behind his hand, clearly referencing the way your ass looks in your skirt.

You stop still and decide to tease him, he didn't mean for you to hear that but you did so he can deal with the teasing!

Turning around slowly, you meet his shocked gaze, raise an eyebrow at him and reply "You would be so lucky", before leaving his office and letting the door slam.


"And this is where all the finished writing goes before James signs off on it" you recite from the countless times you've done apprentice orientation before.

"Erm, sorry, James?" The timid apprentice, April, asks, she seems okay, ordinary, nothing to report. She's younger than you, just eighteen.

Strawberry blonde hair haphazardly tied back into a bun and her wide, optimistic eyes clearly haven't experienced the dark side of life yet.

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