Chapter Two

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"There you are! Took you long enough" James said as you closed the door behind you.

You strode across the room, faking confidence, and leant against the back of one of the chairs in front of his large, wooden desk.

"Give up James, I'm not your slave" you reply with a cheeky grin. You liked it when he was in his 'silly' moods, you bounced off each other and knew one other well enough to be able to joke around without causing too much insult.

He took this as a challenge, he too leant forward onto his desk, his large hands spreading out over the surface, rings tapping the wood as they collided.

"No, you're not.... but I would pay very good money for you to be" he finished this with a wink and a suggestive grin.

You were staring into each other's eyes, challenging the other to make the next move.

You broke first, feeling his immense presence pushing down on you, he could be intimidating when he wanted to be.

"As I said earlier, you would be so lucky! Anyway, what did you want?" You stood up, trying desperately to alleviate some of the pressure he was making you feel, crossing your arms under your breasts and raising your eyebrow at him.

James let out a low chuckle and pushed himself off the desk, messing with the cufflink of his shirt whilst lazily dragging his eyes up and down your body.

Good god I need her, I know her more than any other man, surely? I must know how she tastes, how her skin feels under my lips, how my name would sound ripping from her mouth as I fuck her.

He decided that he'd waited long enough, there was only so many times he could cum to the image of you rather than actually having you.

"Starks. Tonight. You. Going."

He said this like an order, no room for excuses or rain checks. Hearing this brought your heart to an almost stop. What could you say? How could you get out of this???

As you opened your mouth the retort and deny the invitation James spoke over you, typical.

"That wasn't a suggestion, that was an order. As your boss I am ordering you to come with us to Starks Bar tonight and let your hair down for once! Jesus doll, you need to let go and have some fun; you haven't been out with us on a for ages... and I suppose I also miss having my little sidekick with me too"

You really didn't want to go, but you had missed Tony and Pepper and the atmosphere of the place was amazing.

James could see how you were working out the pros and cons of going, so he continued

"And, as always, drinks are on me.... C'mon sweet, look im literally begging you! I wouldn't do that for anyone else!"

"Oh my god, fine, I'll come!" you agreed, if only to shut him up. Without hesitating you spun on your heel and left his office as quickly as you could, not wanting to give James much more time to flirt with you.

I know you fucking will doll, all over my cock . James couldn't halt these thoughts now, they came in thick and fast as he watched you retreat to your desk.


At roughly 5:15pm you walked into Starks Bar from the busy New York street with James' arm around your shoulders, luckily everyone knew you were close so they were used to the special treatment your boss showed you.

A group of colleges had joined you; April had said she was too tried but you suspected it was because she didn't want to be in close proximity with Steve, you didn't blame her either!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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