Aurora Carrington

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Ideas from Tik tok videos

Aurora: Welcome to dating advice with Aurora. Miguel what's your question?

Miguel: how do you tell if a girl likes you?

Aurora: she doesn't

Everyone begins to laugh except Miguel.

Miguel: hey why are you laughing I'm your boyfriend!

Sam just look at Miguel for a second before bursting out laughing.

Hawk: I think I pulled a muscle

Aurora: you can't pull what you don't have

People begins to laugh.

Sirius: I'm adopting your child Prongs

Demetri: I just need to input the proper code...

Aurora: blah blah nerd nerd! Can you take down the picture or not?

Miguel: you have got to work on your people skills

Aurora: he's a Demetri he's not "people"

Hawk: I mean she's telling the truth

Tory: what should I give Robby?

Aurora: talent

Robby look at screen Aurora offended.

Robby [pouting]: I do have talent

Tory: of course you do [kissing his cheek]

Aurora: you wanna see pain?

Hawk: hey why don't we go sit over there?

Sam: we're lucky you can calm her down

Remus: may I ask why?

Miguel: let's just say she has a temper

Robby: if I punch myself and it hurts am I strong or am I weak?

Sam: strong

Miguel: weak

Aurora: an idiot is what you are

Lily: she's right

Rodolphus: and why would you even punch yourself?

Robby just shrug.

Aurora: hey! Where's Sam and Miguel?!

[the two hiding in the janitors closet]

Miguel: so now what? We hide in here forever?

Sam: just till Auroras calm

Miguel: so forever

Sam: maybe. Or maybe she'll get her anger out by I don't know strangling a bear

Luna: it's probably just the nargles

[Hawk enter]

Miguel and Sam: argh!!

Sam: thank god it's you

Miguel: we thought you were Aurora

Hawk: you want me to go get her?

Both: NOO!

Hawk: what's up with you guys?

Sam: well Miguel and I were trying to-

Miguel: I got dragged into this

Sam: it was your idea to pay-

Miguel: no you came to me and I-

[Aurora barge through the door]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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