Chapter Four

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I hauled my suitcase up the stairs, sighing when I realised the elevator was closed. I had to walk all the way up the stairs whilst being exhausted.

Honestly I just wanted to sleep at this point.

As I huffed and puffed up the stairs my mind drifted back to a certain someone.

Tall, dark haired muscular. The thought almost made my mouth water.

I was even more shocked that I admitted to that, I had had no thoughts about boys ever. In my entire life, and one day away from home has turned me into some hormone driven feral teen.

It was not me.

I pushed all thoughts of him aside.

I let out a breathe of relief at the door in-front of me, this was my home.

It felt weird in a way to have a place of your own. To have control over the things you did, the way you left them. No one was there to meddle with your stuff or steal and sell it to pay back the debts that they owed.

My dorm room was cute. I was lucky in the fact I didn't have to share with anyone else. Perks of being on a scholarship I guess.

It had a window that looked out over the city. It was currently night so the whole place was lit up, white and red and blue lights illuminated the shadows.

I was amazed.

I had grown up in a small village in the countryside of rural England so to see something like that was amazing.

I opened my suitcase to try and find some clothes.

Oh God.

I was still wearing the baggy clothes of Santiago.

I could almost smell his warm scent lingering on it. I quickly took them off and folded them up. Making a mental note to wash them in the morning, I had to try and find him though.

I took a shower and changed into my pyjamas finally feeling like I could relax after the stressful day.

I flopped into bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

When I woke the next morning I was dazed. My whole body hurt, especially my feet, and I groaned rolling out of bed.

I have my first day of art today and so had to try and find my way to the art rooms.

The sun hadn't quite risen yet and so my whole room was bathed in a golden red light. In my moment of adoration I reached for my sketch book I kept at the side of the paper.

I often stared off like this my brain itching to put my thoughts on paper, conveying a message I couldn't accumulate in words. It was my own version of therapy. Art was interpretive meaning only I knew the true meaning and I loved the secrecy that came with it.

You could speculate but you'd never know if what you thought was true. You didn't have to worry about being right, you could just feel.

My hands moved on their own accord, the pencil lightly grazing the paper creating lines of dark and light.

The picture I had drawn was of a familiar face. One I was sure I was never going to forget, how could I? He was the first and only person to ever show me love. I would never forget that.

I quickly tear the sheet of paper out of my sketch book and pin it next to my bed, I had a built in pin board next to it, and I was excited to fill it with all my designs.

I quickly got dressed into a light flowery dress. I was yet to experience the weather in LA and so was unsure about how to dress. I packed a pair of tights in my bag just in case I got cold.

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.


I had never felt so out of place in my entire life.

 I had found my lecture despite being 20 minutes late but everyone was so different. So professional. 

Hair tied back in a slick ponytail.

 They all had state of the art paints and pencils and stared at mine as if they were embarrassed to even stand by it.

To make matters worse, I couldn't paint. The one time I needed to prove myself, the one thing that remotely made me special failed me.

I left the lesson feeling like utter garbage.

I decided to find a quiet room to collect my thoughts. 

I had felt like this before. 

Overwhelmed, like a failure, unwanted. I knew people didn't want to watch me cry about it. So I needed to be alone and deal with it like a big girl.

I found a room that looked deserted and sat down sketchbook in hand ready to draw, without the pressure and unwanted stares.

I jolt up suddenly when a girl walks in. 

She was gorgeous. 

She had long black hair that reached her lower back. It was tied up in messy French braids. She was wearing low rise cargos, dirtied converse and an over sized band tee. In her hand was a black electric guitar.

"Oh hey" she said her eyes zeroing in on you. 

"Hi," i mumbled back, "do you need me to leave, I can leave I thought this room was empty, sorry I'll go". I rambled nervously.

"Nah you're all good," she replied smiling "hard day too huh?"

"Yeah," you admit nodding your your head, "how did you know?"

"I usually come here to escape everyone and I'm assumed you were doing the same thing" she shrugged her shoulders.

"Do you mind if I join you?" She questions.

"Oh yeah sure" I smile back.

She takes a seat and pulls music out of a tote bag that's slung on her shoulders and set it out smoothing over it to remove any creases.

"What's your name?" I ask

"Calixta, you?"

"That's such a pretty name! It's suits you so well" I gush probably rambling to much, "oh sorry yeah, uhm Flo" I jumble out, forgetting to answer her question.

"Thank you" she laughs out, "Flo is very pretty too".

"Thanks" I smile.

She picks up her guitar and starts finger picking gently to a tune the sound reverberating of the walls. 

The noise focused me and I was able to calm my mind. 

I was suddenly inspired and so let the pencil flow through my hand. I drew the dark straight lines of her hair and the expression on her face as she lost herself to the music.

After what felt like minutes but actually turned out to be about half an hour, I was done and feeling more accomplished then I ever had.

"Thank you for playing, I haven't been able to draw for a while and I think that helped." I said.

"No thank you, it's been really nice to play for someone who enjoys it."

Calixta slowly stands up and makes her way over to me, "Can I see what you drew?" She asks, peering over my shoulder.

"Sure," I reply excited that she cared enough to want to see it.

"Holy shit Flo, that's amazing" she breathes out, "Can I take a picture of it?"

"Sure, sure" I replied timidly not used to being complemented.

"I've got a lesson now so I have to go but can I give you my number so we can talk?"

I nod, excited to have finally a friend.

A/n - what do we think of Calixta? Also thank you guys so much for 350 reads i actually cannot believe it, I love you guys so much x

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