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Woody always knew blocky wasn't weak or a crybaby. He was bold , erratic , unpredictable , strong, shy( rarely.) , maybe even fearful (barley too) He was all these things! (positively of course)

But never has he saw Blocky as weak or a- crybaby.

It was shocking when he heard sobbing not coming from him.



It was like 2 am when I heard sobbing coming from the other room. 

"What was the noise??"

 I thought to myself oddly. As I carefully untangled himself from the sheets and jumped down softly down his bed. As I slowly walked to my lovele- i mean..blocky's!! Blocky.. Blocky's room he knocked on his door "bw-blocky?" I stutter-ished while saying in a worried tone.

the sobs faintly stopped before blocky opening the door "hi- hey woodstberr...?" he slurred as he rubbed his eyes "did you have anther nightmare? " he said, voice cracking. I knew something was wrong. I couldn't wrap my finger around it. "No, I heard faint sobbing coming from your room..'' I replied worried "o-oh..! That wasn't sobbing it was more of.. Sn- SNICKERING!!" he blurted out randomly "are you sure? I said "yeah.." he said, I observed closer at his face, red puffy eyes and what looks like a runny nose. "I can tell you're lying to me, blee." I said naturally . "Fine, y- SNLFF -you got me.." he said.



"Fine y- SNLFF -you got me."

I said gulping 

"you c-can come in i guess.." 

he said before i walked in and so did he as we went to mybed. "So blee what happened?" he asked. I always loved the name blee. It made me feel special. Woody made me feel special generally. He's so sweet, forgiving, caring and so.. Pretty. I had a soft spot for him.. I can't believe I used to bully him. "blocky?" Woody softly said tapping my shoulder "OH!- I mean yeah whatcha need?" I muttered. "Why were you... crying?" he hesitated a bit before saying. I blanked out thinking about it.


"whait wois thait fior?!!" bubble said angrily. 

"hey! I'm just in the mood to hurt someone!" Blocky said

he saw himself turn to woody smirking

"au- aa-AAAUUHHHGHHH!!!!" he saw woody scream as he watched himself kick woody.

he watched as woody falling.

he was paralyzed.

he couldn't move or break free.

he wished he could just break out of the chains and save woody.

"woody! theres a life out there to enjoy so enjoy it!" 

he knew what was going to happen.

he saw woody turn to teardrop looking at her, only to be kicked hardly into rocky. a chip of himself falls as he screamed. blocky closed his eyes stopping tears but failed. "its all your fault. You did this to him." the words repeat in his mind. his head hurt. he couldn't cry tears. he ran out. it hurts. it is all my fault.

Im in a black void near the ledge. i felt a tap on my shoulder, woody.  as i look at him he pushes me off smirking. 

everything fades.



He saw Woody glance at him  "blocky? are you ok?"  Woody said angelically, he was so pretty gosh.."I- I'm ready to talk.." Blocky responded. "my n-nightmare wwas about.. bfdi t-the first episode.. i couldn't move i just watched myself do all those things to you and- I-IhateditsomuchIwishedidIdntdothatImsosorryIdontdeserveyouand-("blocky?")-Icantbeliveyouwouldforgvemeiwishineve- "BLOCKY!!" "s-sorry.." I sniffled. 

I break.

from small hiccups to a complete meltdown. The worst part was Woody watched it happen. "i - I'm sorry for for being so dumb back then and still so- stuipid irritant- .. I'm sorry for - for .. crying.." i managed to get out. "there no need to apologize.. I already forgave you." He held my hand , his hands were warm while my hands were cold, I liked that a lot. "Blocky- Your not alone in this situation, we all have past regrets. and that's ok, I promise." I looked at woody's soft hazel eyes. before we shared one kiss together. It was a few seconds but it was the best few seconds of my life. "Blocky.. I.. I think i can love you, your so energetic and so handsome... your amazing." woody smiled while i blushed "I love you too.. Can we sleep together?" I asked embarrassed. "of course!" he said .

We aren't the perfect relationship but we are happy, and that's what matters.

"i love you Woody"


730 words, first fanfic so might b bad sorry :,D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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