Real work time! But a injured foe?

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You look at your watch, it's 10! You heard elevators ringing and heard people chatting so you sprinted at the cafeteria to get a s'more 

Scientist: awh man reader got the s'more first

 You heard it from a mile away but you didn't think through it, s'mores are the best!

Anyways you look at the bathroom and grabbed your bucket and mop and started to sweep 

Splash, swish, splosh

You stopped to hear a door open so you looked back to see a kaiju, you waved at them to only see it severely injured so without any medical assistance you decided to get a medkit and hide it in one of the bathroom stalls.

The silent sound of the light buzzing as the dim white lights only showing you and the kaiju, you turned the kaiju around to see a hole at its neck, you grab the bandages and wrap it around the kaiju

45 minutes later

It woke up, you jump out of fear because you where planning to leave but instead it grabbed you as soon as you open the door but it didn't try to infect you, it was hugging you! You try to break free but it growled so you stayed quiet, the buzzing keeps on happening as you kinda blush for a bit but as you need to work you got up, it was sleeping...

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