Chapter one

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Pencil scratches were heard. It was quiet in the manor. Uncomfortably quiet. I sat quietly in the room where I sat nearby Feaster. I sighed quietly as I continued sketching something.

"What are you drawing?" Feaster asked me.

I stopped sketching immediately. He got up and came over to me. I was sketching a random female face.

"Are you still in that career?" Feaster asked concerned.

"No, sketching is just a hobby now," I replied.

"You've been sketching a lot of faces recently," Feaster replied.

"I've been...trying to make realistic wax sculptures," I told him.

"I see, have you tried Reptilian? Or have you not cause he's not human?"

"Don't be rude to him. And.. I've drawn ideas of how he looked as a human," I told him showing him my ideas.

"Attention all hunters, please meet in the main living room,"

I closed my sketchbook and followed Feaster. I looked at everyone, I could tell Reptilian didn't want to be here.

"I have good news! I am happy to announce that the hunter getting a survivor identity is Smiley Face!"

Miss Nightinggale clapped her hands. We all looked at Smiley surprised.

"Wow..! I didn't expect that certainly!" Smiley gasped lightly.

Everyone congratulated Smiley, Reptilian surprisingly as well.

"Well done Smiley, you deserve to reunite with the rest of your group, wanna see them again?" Reptilian said.

I always knew that we were all equally close because we showed our true personalities with each other. And those comfortable revealed their names, though most use our titles out of respect.

"Wanna join us Wax?"

I stared at Smiley in surprise. I slowly nodded, and Reptilian dragged us both with his tail. He is mighty strong! He amazes me every time. Miss Nightinggale gave Smiley his survivor "form". By survivor form, it's genuinely what he looked like before he became a hunter. When Smiley was in his survivor form, he smiled softly. Reptilian merely chuckled.

When we got to the garden, where both hunters and survivors were allowed, we saw many happy survivors. It felt nice to see the Hullaballoo members reunite again. I also noticed how Acrobat likes climbing Reptilian like a tree. He seems to tolerate it. Eventually Acrobat got off of him landing on his two feet.

"Hey 'tilian!" Acrobat responded.

"Don't call me that Acrobat," Reptilian responded.

"No need to use my title! Just Mike is good!" Acrobat said.

"Are you sure?" I asked him surprised.

"Yep! Just Mike is good!" He exclaimed bouncing a bit.

"Mike we don't know they're comf-"

"It's alright Miss Dancer," Reptilian responded.

"Anyways! I had a question for you!" Mike piped up.

His curly blonde hair showing his excitement.

"And that is?" Reptilian asked.

"Were you ever human?"

That question stunned everyone. Female dancer looked pissed.

"Mike! You can't just ask that!" She exclaimed.

She began scolding him. He looked clueless.

"Enough scolding him, after all, he sounded curious," Reptilian responded.

The two looked at him surprised. Reptilian never told anyone about himself. Let alone what happened to him. And he was going to answer that? Mike quickly sat down on a bench showing seat manners. Surprised he even had that. I sat down too.

"Well, do you want the summarized story or the full one?" Reptilian asked.

"Whichever one keeps Mike's attention span working,"

"Whichever is comfortable!" Mike interrupted.

Mike kicked his feet up and down. His eyes showed curiosity. He even had a small notebook.

"What will that be for?" Reptilian asked.

"Oh! I like learning about other participants! This notebook is specifically about things about you! I even titled it!" Mike exclaimed showing the title of the page.

Reptilian chuckled.

"Well, I was a well knowledgeable herpetologist, a professor even. But one day, I got bit by a reptile, and.. I got cursed," Reptilian began.

"So yes, I was human," Reptilian said.

And that is what sparked an idea. I was gonna find a way to revert his curse. And maybe i'll gain a friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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