228 11 3

Matthew Espinosa

"yo sup" Nash said as we did our handshake

"how are the other guys" I asked as we sat down on the couch at my house

"you ask them" Nash laughed and pointed behind us

I stood up and turned around to see the whole entire crew including Sammy

"Espinosa" Sammy nodded

I ignored him.and started talking to Carter.

"you screwed up" Carter sighed

"I didn't mean to say it now she won't say a word to me" I said

The front door of the house opened.

"no way" I heard Millie say

"yeah he can't keep it god damn mouth shut, Sammy's pissed, Matt is I don't know what he feels and I'm just pissed at the both of them" we all heard Shaylee say

"sha-" Millie stopped dead sentence

"what is it stupid?" Shaylee said as she walked into the living room

"oh its dumber and dumbest" Shaylee said as her eyes went from me to her brother Sammy

"hey Shay" Hayes smiled

"hey kiddo" she laughed as she hugged him and he spun her around then put her down

"Millie take the guys out back, all except Sammy" I said

Millie looked at Shaylee who had wide eyes and shrugged

the guys and Millie walked out leaving me Sammy and Shaylee to be the only ones in the room...


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