Flufff-HoonChan- Strawberries

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Hello friends unfortunately  I can only upload one oneshot today ANYWAY I choose to do HoonChan Woozi x Dino

Woozi was in the kitchen munching on strawberries  when his boyfriend Dino came into the room. Dino came into the room  and smiled when he saw him

Dino: hey  Baby whatcha doing?

Woozi: eating strawberries why?

Dino: well I just wanted to  know baby

Woozi: You want some?

Dino smiled and then laughed at Woozis cuteness

Woozi then put a strawberry in his mouth and came closer to Dino

Dino looked down and him and smiled  brightly

Dino: awwwwww baby 

Woozi: come on kiss me

Dino: baby don't talk with your mouth full thats  very rude

Woozi: sorry daddy I just really want a kiss

Dino sighed and then grabbed a strawberry  and put it  half way into his mouth and bent down a bit to kiss Woozi

Dino kissed Woozi  sweetly and hugged him while he was doing it Dino got so into the kiss that he picked Woozi up and placed him on the counter and kissed him more and more until Woozi started to whine because his Jaw was hurting

Woozi: mmmmmh 

Dino pulled away from Woozis lips leaving a string of drool linking from the lips. Ewwwww  woozi whined trying to wipe the drool from his lipsDino laughed it off and grabbed a napkin and wiped his lips off

Woozi: hey its not funny you tongue kissed me and I didn't want you to

Dino: Hey you can't blame me those pretty pink lips were asking for it

Woozi: whatever Channie

Dino: come on you know you enjoyed that kiss you were trying to get deeper  into it

Woozis face turned a bit red and looked down with a shy smile

Woozi: w-w-whatever 

Dino just smiled and hugged him

Dino: by the way  baby the strawberries just make your lips taste even sweeter 

Woozi: thank you Honey

Dino: no problem baby 

Hehejejejje thanks for reading :D  hope you liked it please tell me if its good 

Word count: 320

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