"I can't do it :("

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The one place you always wanted to shifted to.
But you never could.
You first learned about reality shifting around a year ago.
You really liked it and always tried to do it
You have done MULTIPLE methods,such as the raven method,tea party method,coraline method,elevator method,staircase method,etc.
But there was a method that you have never one before.
The Alice In Wonderland method.
you always loved the movie.
You really liked the Cheshire Cat.
You always thought of shifting to an Alice and wonderland method,but you never wanted to.
Instead,you wanted to shift to a Danganronpa method.
You really like the games,you even watched the anime.
You really like Kokichi Oma,the ultimate supreme leader.
In fact he was your favorite character.
You had many dreams about you and him dating.
Personally,I don't blame you.
You were in many Kokichi Oma cults on Discord.
You were not OBBSESSED with him like how Ayano was obbsessed with her senpai in yandere sim.
But you still liked Kokichi,a lot.
You always tried to shift to a dangronpa dr.Every 2 nights you tried,sadly it never worked.
But this night,this night was different.
This night you knew that you were gonna shift.
"Y/N,why are you so obsessed with Kokichi?He is just an anime character,not that big of a deal."Your (nonbinary)sibling,Kailey said.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY?!?! He is perfect in every way,shape,and form!If i could,i might even marry him..Actually maybe not MARRY him thats a little weird..."You replied.
Kailey was always a little concerned..
Kailey was around the age of 18,he still lived in your house though,with your parents,your mom is 39,and your dad is 42.
Your oldest sister,Hailey,is around 21 years old.
She lived in her own apartment,with her boyfriend.
You were currently on a call with your bestfriend,Grayson,who you originally meant on minecraft for the WiiU.You are older than him by a few months.
You tried to do the Alice in wonderland method.
But you did one method wrong.
You didn't run after the person.
You also kept thinking of random things.
And you even fell asleep before you finished the method.
When you woke up around 10am the next morning you were very sad realizing you didn't shift.
You almost started to cry because you would never shift sucsessfully.
"I can't do it :("

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