The Sun and The Moon

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14 years old Solias laughed as he ran his feet on the soft grass

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14 years old Solias laughed as he ran his feet on the soft grass. He spins around and leaps with a hand on his Circlet to prevent it from falling. By the corner of his eye, he spotted a field of flowers. Grinning, he sprinted towards the flower field and sat down. He plucked a few flowers with utmost care then carefully binding them into a Garland of flowers.

Solias examined the garland then beamed. He sat up and dashed away towards an old Willow tree, where a familiar face -that seems to be the same age as him- was sleeping soundly with an open book on hand.

"Lunoris!" Solias called out once he stopped on her track. He placed down the Garland and set his hands on both of the girl's shoulders and shook the poor lady awake.

Lunoris ground as she tiredly fluttered open her eyes. She hissed at the light and squinted, blinking once, blinking twice, she spoke.

"Solias please, how many times do I have to tell you to not jog me up" Solias giggle and stuck his tongue out playfully at Lunoris' dismay. It became a habit of his to shake his friend up.

A non-existing click came into Solias' head. The Garland! He almost forgot about it. Solias scanned his eyes everywhere, the Garland soon coming to his sight. He grabbed it and revealed the Garland in front of Lunoris' face.

Before Lunoris could even reply, the prince took the princess' Tiara and set the Garland on top of her Starry-Night hair.

The female touched flowers from the Garland then turned her gaze to her friend. "What's this for?" Lunoris asked.

Solias was fidgeting with the sleeves of his Poet shirt, his face flushed an orange tint for unknown reasons "Well... I just wanted to give you something! That's all."

Lunoris could tell he was lying. Sort off, but she knows that there's something else he's not telling her. She's been friends with him since they were babies for Universe's sake!

Lunoris opened her book and continued to read. Solias decided to play on top of the trees, swinging and climbing it. Solias rested on a branch that was the nearest to the night sky princess. Combing his Golden blond hair, he mumbled something under his breath -about stars?- thinking that Lunoris will not hear it. But fate seems to be unkind today.

"What was that?" Lunoris tilted her head to the right, her eyes still glued on her book. The prince internally cursed; the fact that Lunoris has enhanced hearing left his head.

He quietly panicked, he rested his right hand on his neck to try to reduce his panic "W-well I just-- it's just that-" Solias stammered at his words. He ground as he slapped his hands on his face in humiliation.

Lunoris rose a brow and asked is he was alright, her eyes still glued on her book. The blond prince tried convincing the female. She didn't pry any longer and continued to do their own things in a comfortable silence.

Solias hummed a traditional song with a smile on his face, his eyes closed, his leg bouncing up and down on top of the other and his arms crossed to the back of his head to use as a pillow.

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