One For the Razorbacks

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Kirishima recognized that voice, it was the same voice he heard earlier when he regained consciousness after his fight with the villain.

"Bakugo, how'd you find me?" he asked while rushing to wipe away his tears.

"Who the hell said I came looking for you idiot?

Kirishima's face turned as red as his hair, once again he was embarrassed.

"Uhhhhhh, never mind dude, I was just about to go. Here you can have the booth".

Bakugo pushed Kirishima back into his seat and then sat across from him. It was clear something was really bothering him.

Bakugo ordered himself a drink and stared at Kirishima, who was now looking down at the table avoiding all eye contact.

"Are you gonna tell me why you're acting like such a wimp?" Bakugo said as he sipped his drink.

"It's nothing man, you saw already. I'm just having a bad day".

"Tch, you lost a fight who cares. You're always going on and on about shit that's not manly, sitting here and wallowing in your own pity isn't manly idiot".

Kirishima looked up at his former classmate, he looked so annoyed. Why was he even talking to him? They've barely seen each other since graduation. His head was spinning, he really wasn't in the mood for Bakugo's insults; but he couldn't shake his curiosity about the mission today. If he was going to hear anything, it would be the details of the fight.

"Are you gonna tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"How you guys captured that villain?"

Bakugo was silent, he gulped the last of his drink and slammed the cup on the table. Like he was holding something back.


"It was me you idiot."

Kirishima was confused, what was he talking about?

"Get that dumb look off your face. Sheesh, it was me ok? I accidentally blew you up, I didn't see you when I fired off an explosion at the villain. All I saw was him blowing up the alley, so I attacked. Stupid Deku was there and was able to capture him using black whip after he ran out."

Bakugo looked away, avoiding eye contact after his confession. Kirishima was stunned, he wasn't actually beaten by the villain at all, he just happened to get hit by Bakugo. Though he felt a little better knowing this, he couldn't help but feel insufficient because he couldn't handle the villain on his own.

"You guys got him?"

"God you don't fucking listen, its seriously pissing me off" Bakugo growled as his head snapped back.

"Duh, we got the stupid villain, the rest of the heroes came and got the rest of them. None of the people in the bank were hurt. You're the only one who managed to get his ass kicked".

Kirishima felt a wave of relief rush through him, the mission was complete, and nobody got hurt, all thanks to team work. But as soon as he felt better, his heart sank again when he realized everyone else worked as a team when he didn't. He was so focused on catching the villain, he forgot his position and his duty to fight with Tetsuetesue. He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes all over again.

"Geez, don't do that again. It's so annoying" Bakugo stated as he rolled his eyes.

"Right, sorry man" Kirishima said as he wiped his eyes.

Bakugo gulped down another drink and rested his head in his free hand.

"Look, I'm sorry I blasted you, I was just trying to get the guy".

Kirishima finally found it in his heart to smile, he was so happy everything worked out ok, even if he didn't get to save the day himself.

"Don't worry about it man! And thanks for covering for my mistake, can we just move on and enjoy the rest of the evening? We should catch up! Here let me buy you a drink!"

Bakugo glared at Kirishima, who was sitting across from him with that dumb smile on his face.

"Tch, whatever dude, just get me another beer".

The rest of the evening was spent drinking, laughing, catching up, and revisiting memories from their time at UA. It was just what Kirishima needed to end his crappy day. Bakugo usually isn't one to socialize but given that he and Kirishima were best friends at UA, it wasn't so bad to talk to him.

"Holy shit, is it midnight already?!" Kirishima exclaimed when he checked his phone for the time. "Sorry about that man, I guess we just lost track of time" he said nervously running his hands through his red hair.

"Whatever loser, I'm going home" Bakugo said as he tried to exit the booth. He stumbled and was pretty dizzy, he realized he may have had one too many to drink. "Damn it, how the fuck am I supposed to drive home now?"

"I guess neither of us is in any shape to drive home, why don't you come crash at my place tonight?" Kirishima excitedly offered.

"In your dreams moron, I'm calling an uber". Bakugo reached for his phone, only to find that it had died at some point and he didn't even realize it. "You've got to be fucking kidding me?! What the fuck am I supposed to do now?? Stupid worthless phone." He shoved the phone back into his pocket. It was then Bakugo realized he didn't have many other options; he was going to spend the night at Kirishima's apartment.

"Alright man! Let's go, it'll be just like at UA when we lived in the dorms!" Kirishima said with another smile plastered across his face. He was so excited for his old friend to spend the night.

Fortunately, Kirishima's apartment was only a block or two from the bar, but it was still pretty difficult to walk since they'd had so much to drink. The weather was getting worse, it was so windy and starting to drizzle, they knew they needed to get home as quickly as possible, so they didn't get stuck in the thunder storm. During their walk Kirishima tripped, he instinctively grabbed Bakugo's arm to prevent himself from falling. Bakugo reflexively grabbed Kirishima by the torso to prevent him from hitting the ground. They made eye contact and both their faces turned bright red.

"Can't you even walk right dammit? Just lean on me so you don't trip again stupid".

The offer filled Kirishima's stomach with butterflies, he silently obliged by his friend's order. Kirishima held on tight to Bakugo's arm as they made the journey back to his apartment, they didn't speak much as they were focusing on getting back to the apartment without incident. Bakugo kept his eyes fixed ahead of him, but he couldn't help but feel some happiness about having Kirishima grab his arm for safety. Both their minds were racing a thousand miles a minute.

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