Oneshots: 1300 Years Later...

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A/N: this is set 1300 years after the HTTYD trilogy ends, so all our favorite characters are dead. (except maybe Gothi) Basically this is a modern au. Have fun!

Cuenca, Spain. 

Jose wiped his brow after he finished priming the explosives, just as soon as the signal alarm began blaring. Reporting to the observation deck some five miles from the bottom of the hole where he and other of the work crew had set the mining explosives via elevator, he glanced at the hole they had been excavating and tried to imagine it even deeper.

As he watched the head of the operation activate the detonator, a sinking feeling started forming in his gut. Whatever was coming, it was going to be very bad.


Seven miles beneath the earth's surface.

The Hidden World, one of the home of the highly technologically advanced race, the Draconians. Why do they call themselves that?  Well, for one, some of the many traits named by the ambassadors in reports for the coming years would be cunning, almost inhuman strength, speed, and reflexes, and "a fierceness to rival that of lieutenant bill's mother when someone puts their feet on her table." and those would well describe a dragon. Oh yeah, and I might have left out one small, tiny, insignificant detail.


Y'know, the winged, scaly, fire-breathing war machines.

As you know, the dragons were supposed to remain away from human influence deep in the bowels of the earth. But as we don't find the Barbaric Archipelago or it's human inhabitants in modern maps, something must have happened, and here's what.

Long ago, during the last of the old days, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III sent the dragons away, fearing that they would never be safe unless they severed all contact with humans, even them. Of course, the vikings of his tribe and the others of the barbaric archipelago decided, after eleven years of being separated from the dragons, they would leave their island homes and join them in the hidden world, sealing up all but a few of the entrances and sinking their islands.

Now, their descendants live in the hidden world with the dragons. As they had for centuries, spreading out and dividing into the many divisions and sectors, living in complete harmony with each other and the many dragon species just as their ancestors had

 14th Bioluminescent District, New Eclipse City, 34 Changewing Street, Second level.

Jonathan groaned, just another boring day in New Eclipse, water the plants, buy groceries, and maybe binge-watch the new season of Mythbusters. His bonded, a Deathly Galeslash named Storm walked up to him. "C'mon Jon, it's not like the combat and racing areas will be closed forever." He growled. 

You see, the dragons didn't really talk, per se, unless you count Dramillions, but the humans who lived in the hidden world could understand them to a point that they didn't hear growls and roars anymore.

"Not forever, but at the most it could be years before they open again! Not counting if we go into lockdown!" The Galeslash sighed, he would have facepalmed if he had hands. "Of course we won't go into lockdown, the humans above us are too damned stupid to detonate the insane amount of explosives to even get close to us." 

Just as he had said that, a massive explosion shook the cavern, destabilizing the support struts and even raining small rocks on the city below. "Ok, maybe i spoke too soon." He amended. Snatching his plasma rifle from the wall hook, Jonathan ran out of the house onto the balcony  and grabbed the railing that separated him from a six-story fall onto the first city level. Multiple squadrons were making their way to one of the offshoot caverns, where the topsiders had actually breached into the Hidden World.

The Spanish workers descended into the breach, finding a massive cavern that had been hidden underneath them for centuries. They also found a group of strangely clothed people, seemingly clothed in scales and wielding highly futuristic weapons. "Who are you and what are you doing on our land?" Asked a low-ranking government official, rather shakily. "Do you want to get in a fight about land you never knew you had? Or avoid it completely and shut down your strip-mining operation?" Called back one of the squadron leaders in perfect Spanish.

A month later, a gaping hole opened in the waters between Jan Mayen, Uunarteq, Greenland and the northernmost tip of Iceland. The Draconians built a military outpost around the rupture in the earth, knowing that they would have to go to war sooner or later. For they had yet to reveal their dragons, and knowing that when they did, a storm of poaching and trafficking would erupt, and they would rather die a slow and painful death than know they had ultimately killed the dragons. For what was the difference? 


North Carolina, USA.

A cloud of mysterious scaly creatures had been spotted above a coastal cliff in North Carolina, a group of military helicopters were trying to keep them there while a small crowd gathered underneath.

The occupants of one of the helicopters fired their (frankly useless but painful) machine guns at a part of the swarm trying to edge out of the cloud. Suddenly, the helicopter exploded, leaving the pieces to crash to the ground and surrounding water. The culprit, a Draconian fighter jet, blasted past the cloud of dragons and annihilated another helicopter then turned around before it lost its momentum, leaving room for another jet to destroy two more in quick succession. Meanwhile, the crowd had dispersed in terror, having seen what was happening to the helicopters and were worried they were next. 

As the last surviving helicopter retreated, having lost twelve of it's brethren to the successive "hammerblows", the draconian fighters and the cloud of dragons, having come from an isolated part of the hidden world, moved on, heading east by northeast towards the caldera.


An undisclosed location, AKA the pentagon Taco Bell

Agent Harry Carr of the CIA groaned as he bit into his taco. The proceedings were slow, too slow, he wanted to stop a war, how was that being irresponsible? His partner and best man Ryan Morgan sat down across him. "So I take it the president is adamant about the war?" He asked. "Too much so." Replied Harry. "Even though, twelve helicopter crews worth of people..." "They knew the risks." Said Ryan. "But does the president?" Demanded Harry. "No! He does not! They took out twelve helis in half a minute!" 

He sat back down. "I just don't want anybody getting hurt" He sighed. 

Ryan, not knowing any comfort words, just patted him awkwardly on the back. 

A/N: Yeah, that was way too short, I'm planning to make two more parts, I promise, maybe even turn it into a fully-fledged book.

 Sadly, Jose might not be mentioned anymore.

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