1; Wake up

885 39 15

Wake up.

That was Cale Henituse's mistake from the start, waking up to the reality that he didn't want and didn't need.

If it were up to him, he would never have woken up from the vast dreamland where his mother was alive.

Where his father did care about him.
Where he never said those absurd words that led him to be almost bedridden.
Where Ron, his ex-faithful servant didn't abandon him because of the punk that beat him up.
Where Basen didn't have to take any damage.

where he was happy
What nonsense, right?

When the continent has met an Emperor, King, Prince, Duke, Marquis, Count, Viscount, Baron or even Knight, happy?

When did any of them really feel the love of family and not just the dirty money or a painful position in the hierarchies?

They disgusted him.
The 'families' of this time disgusted him.
His father disgusted him.

He woke up.
He finally woke up to the cruel reality that really, no one cared about him.
Nobody cared if he was suffering.

Who was there when his late mother passed away?
Who tried to get close to him when he needed it?
Who was the one who told him; "You have the right to cry and get over it too with time."?

Why didn't his father make an effort?
Why didn't his father made anything when he began to lack manners to protect his son?
Why didn't his father try to stop him when he started drinking alcohol?

Why. . . Why his father didn't do anything for him?

The Henituse family's motto always is and will always be to protect the weak along with the territory, since they were a family dedicated to sacrifice and train hard as soldiers.
But his father always said that family is the main thing, that he shouldn't worry because he was always going to protect him however he could.

He, what a stupid joke.

He knew that he failed in many ways; As heir to the earldom, as a son, as an older brother, shit, even as a person.
But did he really deserve this?

Everything that he made was for love. Ah, love makes you do crazy things, the love that he never received from those close to him and he never showed those who really mattered to him.

Love? Love.
The only person who truly loved him and promised to love him forever was his mother. The only one who understood, and the only one who would understand why she was doing this. This farce that was him.

And he . . . He already got tired of being who he clearly wasn't, he already got tired of spending his entire adolescence protecting them.
Maybe he could have chosen another less destructive option, but it's too late for regrets.

He just couldn't take it anymore. His mind from the beginning was shit, and now his body, which before was the only thing beautiful about him, was shit too. His personality? Ha! That was the worst part of him.

Though . . . What is his personality? Is it the one that him always showed or the one that he hid?

Sigh. It was hard to tell. He put on so many masks to cover his true being, that he no longer knew which was the real one.
If he had known that everything would come to these extremes, he would have made a different decision.

Perhaps his father's family would not be suffering now for his bad decisions. Maybe Ron wouldn't have left him.
Even if he prefer it that way. . .

If the ex-servant never cared for him, why did he want him back?

Agh, stupid emotional dependency!

He hoped that they rot in hell with him for making him depend on their opinions and their fucking 'love', for making him cry over those stupid things.

For making him love them.

Cale doesn't wish them bad, but he expects them to suffer all the pain-- no, twice the pain he felt putting up with all this nonsense.

He's tired, but now it's time to wake up yo be better. To be better for him.

Hello! Hope you enjoy this charapter.
Sorry if there are mispelling but Im doing this with the traductor. (//▽//)

Have a good day/afternoon/night my Lotuses!💌

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