Chapter 2

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Hiiii guys I know I wasn't planning on making a second part but now I want to so little rewind from before tenten and Neji are dating same with naruto and Hinata and sasuke and sakura and Ino and sai  Karin and suigetsu are broken
Up with 😥😭😢  tentens parents are dead they are out of boarding school now and are all back home it's been like 2 years now but anyways let's get started*

*at the mall*
Ino:I'm so happy we decided to hangout today
Sakura:yea I know we really gotta hangout more
Tenten:we do we should see what the boys are up to let's go find them
Hinata:good plan
*they go and find the boys in the arcade they go and hangout in there for a little bit then decide to go get food*
*they order their food and sit down *
Sakura:so plans for winter
Hinata:oh me and Neji were thinking about going to the cabin
Ino:best idea I love it there it's like my second home
Sakura:haha but let's all go there
Neji:that's sounds good
*2 weeks later they get their bags packed and all drive up there*
*when they arrive there they went inside*
Naruto:so same bedrooms and people as last time?
Tenten:well I don't know about you guys but I wanna go relax in the hot tub
Sakura:yes I could go for a soak
Hinata:count me in
*the girls go and change*
Sasuke:so what should we do
Neji:how about we play video games
Naruto:I'm in
Sasuke:okay *they all get their controllers and start playing while the girls go in the hot tub*
*3 hours later they all go to the kitchen*
Sasuke:so who's making dinner
Tenten:not it
Sakura:aw damn I love your cooking
Tenten:aw thanks
Sakura:but not it either
Ino:heh yea not me
Naruto:well I only know how to make ramen in a cup
Sasuke:I can only make eggs and salads
Neji:I don't want to cook
Sai:I'm too lazy to
Sasuke:fine let's get pizza
*they order pizza and eat after they are finished they all go to their rooms*
*Neji is sitting on his bed on his phone and tenten is just wondering around the room*
Tenten:I'm bored
Neji:*puts down phone*well what do you want to do
Tenten:idk can we watch a movie ?
*they turn on a movie and lay in bed together*
*3hours later they fall asleep together *
*the next day was pretty boring they really didn't do anything besides watch a movie all together *
*im skipping to the next day because I think this day is gonna be interesting 😥😅😅😰*
*they next day everyone gets up and ready *
Sakura:so what should we do today
Sasuke:hmm idk
Tenten:well I was just going to hangout in my room today
Neji:yea same
*they both go to their rooms*
Ino:why don't we go out
Naruto:ohh sure
*they all get their shoes on and leave *
Tenten:wanna watch a movie
*they turn on a movie and lay in bed *
*about an hour into the movie Neji's phone goes off *
*he picks up his phone*
Tenten:who is it
Neji:oh no one
Tenten:oh ok
*they went back to watching the movie after the movie it's like 11 pm so nejis wakes up tenten *
Neji:come on tenten we have to go to bed
Tenten:ok *goes and changes*
Tenten:ok gn *gets up in bed*
Neji:why are you in such a hurry to get to bed
Tenten:because I'm tired
Neji:ok good night love you
Tenten:night *goes to sleep*
*the next day*
*they all get up and ready*
Ino:so what should we do today
Naruto:ohh I know
Ino:ok what's ur idea
Naruto:we should play truth or dare
Sakura:ohhh good plan
Hinata:ok I'm in
Sasuke:sure ig
Sai:yea sure
Neji:I guess
Tenten:ugh fine
Naruto:ok Hinata truth or dare
Naruto:how many parties have you thrown at your house
Hinata:idk like 4-5 ok sakura truth or dare
Hinata:I dare you to bring sasuke with you every time you have to go to the restroom
Sakura:girl fine sai truth or dare
Sai:I'm going to go with truth
Sakura:okay if your could choose your name what would it be
Sai:oh dang idk well for in a game like video game it would be ambu gamer 4749 uhh ino truth or dare
Ino:umm truth
Sai:what was the worst day you ever had
Ino:umm probably when I had to cut my hair ok tenten truth or dare
Ino:take a picture of everyone without them knowing
Tenten:okay bet ok sasuke truth or dare
Tenten:who was the last person your kissed
Sasuke:easy sakura ok Neji truth or dare
Sasuke:give tenten a piggy back ride when she needs to go somewhere all night long
Neji:ok fine okay naruto truth or dare
Neji:who is your personal hero
Naruto:Jiraya 100%
Neji:uh ok
Naruto:ok sakura truth or dare
Naruto :put an ice cube down your shirt
Sakura:ok fine *puts ice in her shirt*holy shit that's cold ok Hinata truth or dare
Sakura:what is the longest your can go without your phone
Hinata:probably like 2 days ok Neji truth or dare
Hinata:have you ever broken something and didn't tell anyone
Neji:yes I think so ok sasuke truth or dare
Neji:take a selfie with the toilet
Sasuke:ok *takes selfie*
*here are the pictures tenten took*

Sasuke:okay sakura truth or dare
Sasuke:let me give you a knew hairstyle
Sakura:ok fine
Sakura:okay tenten truth or dare
Sakura:sing your favorite song as loud as you can
Tenten:ok fine

Tenten:sai truth or dare
Tenten:point to someone who most likely would of wet the bed in middle school
Sai*points to naruto*
Naruto:uh rude
Sakura:ok y'all what should we do now
Hinata:ohh we should bake something
Ino:ohh how about couples against couples me all have to make a dessert of our own choice
Tenten:y'all remember Neji has to me carry the whole time
Sakura:ohh plot twist ok how about this tenten has to have Neji carry her Hinata has to use Naruto's hands me and sasuke and blind folded and ino and sai have to make stuff without instructions
Sasuke:ok then let's all get started

Naruto:ok let's all start

Neji:okay tenten what are we making
Tenten:let's make cake pops
Neji:okay then
*after they are done they go to the living room*
Sai:so what should we do now?
Ino:oh how about we go get food then go to the movies
Naruto:ohh good idea
*after they are done eating they head to the movie*
~at the movies~
Sai:so what movie are we gonna see
Tenten:oh how about seed of chucky?
Naruto:ok sure
*they buy the tickets and snacks then go find a seat*
*seating arrangement *
*Naruto and Hinata ofc ino and sai tenten and Neji sakura and sasuke*
*that's where they're all sitting*
Sakura:no one even here
Naruto:huh weird maybe people are at the other movie or at a different movie theater*
*back home after the movie*
Sakura:well it's getting late we should head to bed*
*they all head to bed *
Tenten:ugh I'm so tired
Tenten:ok well I'm going to bed
Neji:good night love you
Tenten:good night *goes on pillow and closes eyes *
Neji:uh em
Tenten:uhh what?!
Tenten:I love you too happy now ?
Tenten:good now let me sleep
Neji:ok fine
*falls asleep*
*nejis phone keeps going off*
Tenten:Neji if you don't silence your phone I'm gonna do it for you and I'm not gonna turn off the volume
Neji:ughh *turns off phone*
Tenten:who's even messaging you this late at night ?
Neji:it no one just ignore it
Tenten:oh ok
Neji:ok let's go back to sleep
Tenten:well now since I'm awake I don't think I'm going to bed soon
* eventually they both fall asleep*
*the next day*
~in the kitchen ~
Ino:so I was thinking we hangout at the pool today
Sakura:oh ok good idea
*they all go get changed and walk to the pool*
Ino:it's so nice in here
Naruto:true that
Sakura:uh I wish I could just live here forever
Hinata:well actually we can
Hinata:well we're all of the age to have our own place so why don't we just move here
Sakura:good idea
Neji:well after we're done swimming let's gets changed then go to town and get our stuff
*after the pool they get changed then go and head to their houses to get their stuff*
A/N:I'm ending early bc I had to work on another story which will most likely be out this week how's your day/night going let me know how your liking the story and you'll find out who Neji was messaging soon maybe but you'll get hints throughout the chapters

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