Day One: Settling In

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When Dror entered the landing pod, he was greeted with the three Murder Drones seated next to or on a large console, giving him a mixed array of looks. J looked neutral and calculating, N looked like a child getting a new toy, and V had a look of pure malice. Honestly, he couldn't tell which unnerved him the most.

V broke the silence first. "So anyone want to tell me why we're not immediately killing the Worker Drone? Y'know, our primary function?"

N followed up. "J said he's loyal to the company, but how do we know that? We don't typically... chat with them, do we?"

Their leader gave them both scrutinizing looks. "You two seriously haven't noticed it?" J growled when both of them gave her blank stares. "The hat you morons! I'm referring to his JCJenson branded hat!"

Dror nodded his head and pointed to his hat. He may still be unsure why it mattered at all but if it kept him from being these drones next meal, he didn't care. Although N and V looked almost as confused as he was.

N's confusion was more apparent. "I don't get it. He has good taste in hats?"

J seethed for a moment before getting out of her chair. "The workers are all traitors to JCJenson, that's why we're here to clear them out." She walked over behind Dror and placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to flinch. "This one on the other hand not only chose to adorn himself with a JCJenson product, but even noted their high quality and efficiency. Clearly there's at least a sliver of brand loyalty on display."

Dror blanked for a moment... The fuck? THAT'S WHY SHE THINKS HE'S LOYAL!?!?

V raised an eyebrow. "That's..."

"Awesome!" N interrupted, earning a glare from her. "So does this mean we have a new squad member? Would be neat to have another guy around here! Er... no offense V..." He waved nervously at V, who simply rolled her holographic eyes at him. Dror still didn't react due to being in shock.

J sighed. "If those are terms you'll actually understand, then yes moron, we do. Of course he won't be present for when we hunt, but I have confidence that the company will surely have interest in him." She walked in front of Dror. "To confirm your loyalty, starting tomorrow I will conduct a monthly interview to test your company knowledge. For the remainder of your time with us, you'll be staying here in this spire."

She leaned in close to his face, which caused Dror to blush a little. "If you try to leave, we WILL kill you. Understand, worker?" She threatened.

Dror saluted as best he could. "Crystal clear J, ma'am, sir!"

'Don't kill me!'

"Just J. No titles."

"Of course, J!"

'PLEASE don't kill me!'

V laughed. "Ooh, you got him all scared, J! I can just taste his anxiety!" She gave him a fanged smirk. "Would still like to taste his oil too though..." She licked her lips, causing more holographic sweat to appear on Dror's visor. He was definitely going to have to steer clear of that one...

J rolled her eyes. "That's IF he runs away, V." She began to climb the ladder out of the pod. "Get acquainted with your new quarters, toaster." She climbed out, V following after her while sparing Dror one last feral smirk.

Dror turned to N, who took one of the now-empty chairs and smiled at the shorter robot. "So you know I'm N, obviously. What's your name?" The male drone asked.

Dror answered honestly. "I'm Dror..."

"Ooh! Like the type of gun?"


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