Chapter 5

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Streber and Kevin both cuddled together as they both drifted to sleep

In the morning, Kevin had to go to work so he said good bye then headed of to the CandyClub.

With Kevin:

2 kids had entered the CandyClub and when Kevin realised who it was, he sighed from frustration.

"Hey kevin!! Can we get a free candy?" Asked Skid
"No. You only get it on halloween. Its November." Kevin replied.
"Pleaseeeeeeee Kevin pleaseeeeeee!!!!" Begged Pump.

Kevin knew that if he doesn't give them what they want they are just going to be a nuisance.

"Here." Said Kevin as he gave those two what they wanted.

With Streber:
He was bored cause he didn't know what to do. Then he had an idea.

Streber got ready to go out and as he was about to grab his coat he realised he tried to grab it with his non-existent arm. Well that was embarrassing.

At Candyclub:

Someone entered.
"Hello. What would you like." Said Kevin without realising who it was.


It was Streber who entered. Who wouldn't have known.

"Streber! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at home?"

"Well Kevin. Its boring and theres nothing to do!!!!" Whined Streber.

Kevin thought of taking the day off but he knows that Rick doesn't care on what happens to the CandyClub.

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