Moving to Seoul part2

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What happened in the first part: BTS helped you move boxes out of the car and placed them at your new house door.

Y/n pov: after 7 guys helped my move boxes from the car I didn't even look them in the face to thank them. I must have  sounded ungrateful for their help my did I not look them in the face and thanked them,ahh why me.

After y/n blamed herself for not looking at them while thanking them she pushed the boxes in the house since they were left on the door for her, after she finished taking things  from the boxes and put them were they were supposed to be.

She decided to take a walk around the neighborhood hood and maybe buy some food because she saw that there was shops around the neighborhood when they were passing to get to their new house. 

She put on her headphones when she was a looking for a song to play she accidentally bumped into people 7 people  she apologized right away  for bumping into them.

As she looked up to see who she was apologizing to she saw that there was 7 guys and the songs she was listening to was BTS songs and the 7 guys standing infront her were BTS.

BTS was standing in front of you they were standing infront of you. You were their fan.

BTS POV: as we were walk from the company to our van some one bumped into us. We looked and who it was and it was the girl we helped with the boxes last time she was apologizing when she looked up to see who we're she just went quiet.

She was short or ( tall whatever height you guys are it doesn’t matter your perfect) she also had good style in fashion she had headphones around her neck.

As she kept looking at us we told her it was ok and nobody got hurt, how about you??.....

Y/n: as I was just staring at them the said they were ok and asked me if I was as well I said yes but then a sharp pain came in my hand because when i was moving everything from the boxes i accidentally fell on my arm which I thought was nothing until now.

BTS POV: she told us she was ok but then her face change like the face people when they're in pain. We looked at her touching her arm with the in pain face. We asked her again if she was ok just to make sure she was really ok..?..?

Y/n: my arm started hurting so bad so was my head then bts ask me again if I was ok??. Iwas going to say I was but then my everything went black.

BTS POV: she was about to open her mouth and say something that's when she passed out and almost fell to the ground but we caught her in time. We tried waking her up but it didn't work so we all took her to our van to take her to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital we are for the doctor to see if she was ok, they took some check ups and told as she was ok but she hit her head and hurt her arm but it will get better in a few weeks. We had to go somewhere so we left our number to the doctor to give to her when she wakes up and tell if she's ok. Before we left for work we dropped by her house to tell her parents that she was at the hospital.

Y/n mom pov : I will get the door, ohh hello how may I help you, oh aren't you bts my daughter loves your songs she listens to them day and night. Anyway why are you guys here how way I help you.

BTS POV: we were surprised to see that her mom knew who we're, we said our greetings and told her what happened to her daughter and she was in the hospital right. Her mother's face dropped right away as she heard that her daughter was in the hospital.

Y/n's mom pov: What did you just say my daughter is in the hospital which one and were. Honey y/n is in the hospital.

Y/n's dad pov: what when and why, how. Guys come let's go see your sister in the hospital he called out to your siblings.

They all went in the car and went to the hospital but they first thanked BTS for telling them about you. Your family rushed to the hospital and found you sitting up on your bed the doctor was there with you.

You mom was crying so hard. She asked if you were ok and you said i think so she held your hand well she was crying  your doctor said you could go home for today and come back tomorrow for another check up, before you left he gave you a piece of paper and said you call the to thank them the people who brought you here.

You went home and went into your room and sat on your bed you looked at the piece of paper the doctor gave you and told you to call them to thank them.

You thought for a second but the decided to call them to say thank you.

BTS POV: our phone range and we answered it was that young lady we took to the hospital she was calling us she said thank you and we asked if she was and she said she thinks so but we were happy to hear she was home and not the hospital.

Y/n pov: I hang up the phone after saying thankyou to them and thought of how worried they must have been about me passing out infront of them. After some thoughts my see started feeling sleepy before I knew it shout themselves off and I was sleeping soundly......


Iam am so sleepy but this is a part two to moving to Seoul
Again I was writing this at night again I got to stop doing that. But anyway I hope you like this part because part three is coming and is the last one and I start a new story with the members say word this it i think I don't know what do you guys think vote and put comments down below showing me what you guys think and the story and the idea good night.💤

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