True Love Part 52

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Mr electric x Elvis Presley (lemon)

"I love being here with you," Elvis Presley said to Mr. Electric as they sat under a shady tree in real life Ohio.

Mr. Electric's cold, mechanical claw laid on Elvis' knee. A light breeze broze through the dainty flowers.

"Me, too," Mr. Electric cooed.

They were celebrating their three year anniversary of being gay together in the same house in real life Nebraska.

That's so funny.

Lol, anyway.

Uhm. Haha. So then they are in real life fuckin' Japan, haha. Uhh, and they're celibate. The meadow makes them older every second they're in there, like that beach movie. Haha. Beach get yo fucking dog. It don't bite. Yes it do.

That's so funny.

The couple lays together in the meadow, staring at the clouds, daintily pointing out the shapes they see in real life kenya. Any part of Kenya. It's up to you. Use your imagination.

Mr. Electric looks at Elvis Presley, looks up his uhh, masculine, and uhh, toned southern body. Mr. Electric bites his bottoms screen. Yeah, he has a screen. Evlis giggles like a school girl. His skirt billowing in the wind. They're gonna speak now.

"Uhmm, damn baby girl, I can see your little baby penis under your skirt. Little piss baby Elvis. I bet you would like this fat mechanical cock." He shrieked. Yeah.

And so anyway, Elvis, hear me out, Elvis, he nearly shat himself with excitement. He filled his panties with shit. Which isn't good, considering how he died, but it's important to the story.

Smelling the shit, Mr. Electriv became so erect, hid mechanical cock almost malfunctioned.

This is Elvis speaking.

"Oh my god. Is that cold, metal dick for me and my wittle skirt?" Elverd cried out in ecstasy.

"You bet your sweet shitty ass Evert bb" Mr. Electric shrieked out, his speakers on the fritz.

"But we're celibate Mr. Thomas." Uhm. Edgar uhh, uhhh, what's a good word to put? Stop giggling and help me come up with a word. Moaned.

Mr. Elctrif could feel his processors overloading at the smell of Ethan's shit filled panties. Maybe they should order a pizza. It's a special occasion, its' their three year anniversary.

Mr. Electric speaking, "I have a fantastic idea, Eef, let's order pizza for our special day, take our minds off of the celibacy thing." Yeah. Okay, next paragraph.

Uhm. Evlis cries out, "Mr. Electric, oh my god, I can't believe you would suggest such a thing to me with my southern ass. We're gonna order barbecue.

OMg second page, we're doing so good. His ass is detachable.

Mr. Electrode sighs with heady discontent. He fucking hates bbq. Why is it so slimy. And why is there so much sauce? And why do people up north think that bbq is just hot dogs and hamburgers. It's just a cook out. It's fucking stupid, I don't get that line of thinking.

Mr. Elctri begrudgingly pulled out his phone and ordered big baby momma jamma daddy's bbq spot, and order 250,000 dollars worth of bbq.

Elvis shit himself again when he realized how much bbq he was about to consume. He was not ready. His body is not prepared. His body is only prepared for gay butt stuff. Like me and Taylor.

Time skip.

The bbq arrives. Elvis is sobbing. There's too much bbq. Why is there so many bbq and there's only two of them. Mr. Electric can't even eat, he's a machine.

Does he want Elvis to vore and become an inflation kink? Elvis thinks to himself.

Yeah that's hot and sexy.

They'll eat that shit up.

Uhmm, so then the pizza arrives. Mr. Elctric looks at Elverd. And he's like, "babe, you should shit on this pizza" he says this seductively. So seductively that no one could ever reject him, not even Liam neesawn. Yeah. Because he's so hot. I mean would you turn him down, probably not. Fucking desperate whores.

AN- I'm sorry for my bad grammar, English isn't my first language.

AN- listen to "rules" by Doja Cat to give you the correct feel while reading.

Let's see.

Time skip.

25 years have passed. Mr. Electric broken up and gotten back together and broken up again. They've had a few pregnancy scares. Custody battles. Sensory slugs. On their penises. They even touched tips. Super gay. This is heart breaking because we just watched this whole exchange filled with shit and pizza and so much bbq in the streets of real life Texas.

Elvis is in the hosptial, pregnant, with Mr. Elctric 75th child. A weird cyborg child is what they keep having. I don't know why they keep trying. I feel like if you, ya know Einstein said it best, if you keep trying the same thing over and over without changing anything it's insanity. I mean what are they expecting, it seems unreasonable at this point, that's a lot of kids. Anyway, Evlis's skirt rips off in the heat and throws of passion with mr. elctrid. They're so in love. They're touching pensis, they're doing butt stuff, hardcore butt stuff, the kind you can't find on porn hub. You might be put on a watch list. Uhm, they both cum. Several times. A lot of times. Mr. electric is really good at what he does. Sometimes Evlis gets pregnant by his own seed. This is normal. Don't question. I don't accept constructive criticism either. So anyway, the dildo gets stuck and this is why Elvis is in hospital because he's pregnant and stuck with a dildo. UHm, At this point, Elvis is praying to his southern baptist God, praying that he doesn't have another explosion on the toilet incident. They're both dead. This is the afterlife. They've been dead the whole time, I forgot to mention that. This is also a necrophilia story. Uhm, he just likes dead ass, you can't blame Mr Electric, have you seen how toned Elvis' ass is? Anyone with working vision can see how toned and tight and scrumptious ass is. Sometimes they bump their butts together, Mr electrics metal canister of an ass against LEvi's toned and tight and scrumptious ass. ANd then they titans come in. And then it turns into a monster fucker fan fic with m preg. Oh yeah, the Titans imprint on Elvis, like a mother duck and ducklings, except they go in heat. Anyway, they all get married in the afterlife cause they're all dead. Uhm. And elvis has a boob job at this point because mr electric wants to titty fuck. Yeah. Elvis has tripple Gs anime tiddies Elvis has anime shirts that cup around the boops. It's a harem anime. Yeah that's hot. Mr Electric's cold, trembling claw reaches up clenches onto Elvis' throbbing nipple. And rips it clean off. And eats it. And shits it out. Uhm.

Time skip.

I don't want to write this anymore so the end.

And the moon is jealous.

Written and directed by: Susannah and Felix

Casted by: Richard Simmons

#mpreg #jesus #spykids #yeah #vore #inflation

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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