Nya The Shipping Queen

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Nya's POV

And so, the next morning, as planned, I woke up at my usual wakeup time, 8am, because y'all know I love sleeping in.

I crept into the hallway quietly. It didn't seem like anyone was awake until I heard footsteps behind me.

"Hey, Nya."

Clutching the rolled-up chart paper, I turned around and found Lloyd standing behind me.

"Hey, Lloyd, what's up?" I asked casually. What I really wanted to know was how he was doing mentally.

"Meh, just usual stuff, I guess."

I walked closer to him. "Are you sure?" I prompted.

He sighed. That always got him. "No, not really. I wanted to say, I'm glad I'm not the only one awake."

"What? Why? I thought you liked being alone?" I questioned.

"Well, yeah, but now that thought scares me," he explained. "The second I turn off the light before going to bed, it's as if everything in my room comes alive and then it feels like there's someone standing behind me, and I run to the bed and hug Harumi cause I get scared."

He took a deep breath and continued, "and then in the middle of the night, I wake up and I can't move, and it feels like...like someone's choking me and I can't breathe, and then I see that person; it's a man with a gun, he comes up to my bed and shoots me, and then I sit up and realize it was a hallucination."

Shocked, I raised an eyebrow. "Sleep...paralysis? It's a psychological condition."

"Where did you hear about this?" he asked, looking surprised.

I sighed. "I always wanted to be a neurologist, a sleep specialist, when I was a child. I had lots of sleep problems when I was young."

"But now the sleep paralysis is seeping into my life, like even now, and mostly when I'm alone, I feel the presence of someone else; that man with a gun," Lloyd told me.

"I think we should see a real neurologist. I can take you...like, tomorrow or so."

"Sure, thanks, Nya," he smiled at me, and then Kai opened his bedroom door.

"Hey Nya, hi bestie," he said to us.

"He's my bestie!" I shouted back.

"Nah!" Kai rubbed my head. Furious, I straightened my hair back with my arms. I hated it when people messed it up.

But when I turned back, I saw a shocking sight. Kai, who was about two inches taller than me and five inches taller than Lloyd, was looking down at Lloyd and winking, while Lloyd had a cheesy, coy smile on his face.

Like this:

"Hey, PEOPLE!!" Skylor yelled, flinging her and Kai's bedroom door open

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"Hey, PEOPLE!!" Skylor yelled, flinging her and Kai's bedroom door open.

"Hi," I said, rolling my eyes. Skylor was a pure extrovert, and so was Kai, so they got along. Me and Lloyd and Cole were introverts, so we all had an emotional bond with each other.

"Hi, Skylor," Kai smirked and left Lloyd, walking over to her and winking, which made Skylor smile, and they both walked off into the kitchen. Lloyd looked at them and smirked.

I bent down a little and whispered in Lloyd's ear. "They're so cute together!"

"Yeah, they are!" he agreed, blushing and smiling. I realized that I always found Lloyd blushing when any ship was mentioned, especially Kailor, which was Kai x Skylor. I suddenly wondered if Kai x Lloyd could be a thing.

(Yeah, it totally could be). I ship greenflame.

And so, I decided I'd talk to Kai the next day because I wanted to be suspicious for a bit longer before knowing the truth.

And kind of because I wanted to think about Greenflame...Kai and Lloyd's ship, which I'd just made in my head.

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