Chapter 1

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"'When you have supernatural powers the impossible becomes possible". Saiki narrated as the scene was shown a guy and a girl as the guy pet a dog.

"Wow! Look at this little guy, it's so cute. I'm a huge dog lover!' 'But I'm way more into girls'.

When the guy thought that the dog started running and the girl that was beside the guy screamed "No, Pochimi! Come back!". A truck was moving towards the dog.

"Pochimi!" shouted the girl while the guy screamed at her side. And then the truck started flying when it was about to hit the dog.

"That was weird, so you wanna go out sometime?" The guy asked after some seconds in silence. The girl just responded "Eww, are you trying to pick me up?"

"My name is Kusuo Saiki and I have psychic superpowers"

"16 years ago an ordinary couple gave birth to a not so ordinary baby boy".Baby Kusuo was shown while sleeping.

"So cute, almost as cute as mommy" said Kuniharu while watching Kusuo. "So cute, almost as cute as daddy" said Kurumi at Kuniharu's side.

While the couple complimented each other Kusuo said."Wow, so I guess I'm still always in second place".

"I started talking when I was 14 days old, without using my voice"

'Baby Kusuo is walking! Baby Kusuo is walking!' Chanted Kurumi while clapping.

"Soon afterward, I started walking when I was one month old... in the air".Kurumi and Kuniharu smiled watching Kusuo walk in the air. Then stopped above Kuniharu and started drooling.

"And at one year old..."We're out? I can't cook without rice wine" Said Kurumi trying to find rice wine in the kitchen.Kusuo then teletransported and brought rice wine. "I ran my first errand"

'Oh, Ku' Sighed Kurumi "My mom finally started to worry about me. Now, you'll think after a year of early quirk usage they'd take me to get tested but my folks are kind of weird themselves".

'I'm pretty sure he stole the rice wine.'Said Kurumi worried. 'Well, I'll go and pay tomorrow if there's time.' Answered Kuniharu.

"Not to mention lazy".'Oh! Our little psychic boy did pay after all!' Said Kurumi after Kusuo showed them the ticket.

"They're a pretty happy-go-lucky couple and they act like lovebirds. So they accepted me as I was without any fuss."

'He's so artistic!' Exclaimed Kurumi while Kusuo hold a drawing of Kuniharu.'

"So time rolled on. I became the person you see now, a high school stude-"

Reader: Hey Saiki I thought this is a saiki k crossover are you even in MHA?

"I was getting to that part. Yare yare the author must be really lazy to interrupt me from my explanation like that". As Saiki said that he glares to the author.

"Anyways. You might be wondering how did the whole world ended up having quirks? Well you see when my time travel ability was first active I might change a few things".

It was just a normal day for Saiki as he got back from school caring a lot of stuff he won from playing rock paper scissors.'Yare yare that was troublesome maybe I could get money from these stuff and buy some sweet later'. Saiki drone from that thought. Then suddenly he time travel to the past.

'Huh what, where am I?'Saiki then use clairvoyance to pinpoint his destination as well using telepathy to hear people's thoughts.

Saiki then saw a newspaper clipping that's read the date 20XX.'So it's seems I'm in the past in China , but how thought? A new power maybe, Kusuke did said I might get new powers in the future.'

"I should probably go back."Saiki what's about to go when a thought caught him off guard.'Somebody, anybody please help us.'

Saiki then teleport in front of the man and use telekinesis to make the criminal float and drop him to the ground.

Saiki sighed and turn to face the coupol."So... I should probably hypnosis on them."

Author: Saiki doesn't have that banana thing yet.

When Saiki got back to the present a lot of things have changed for starters 80% of the population have powers or quirks what they call them.

The good news he can uses powers without worrying of standing out.

The bad news his life become more disastirous then ever before.

"Yare yare why do you hate me author."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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