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caly-so how was the chat with kole?
he asked throwing his jacket on ready to leave

you-normal, him and lexy split ways
you smiled

caly-oh really?

you nodded
you-wether his saying it to impress me or being honest i appreciate that they aren't together

he chuckled cupping your face in his hands

caly-me too but i will not apologise for liking you
he whispered before melting into your lips

caly-you need picking up tommorow for school?

you-um no i think imma swing by lexy's, get an apology and a coffee

he chuckled pulling the front door open
caly-sounds great to me

you-hey cal?

he spun around looking back at you

you-thank you for that little weekend away

he smiled pulling you closer

caly-anytime, you know that
there was a soft silence before he cut in

caly-so does this mean were dating now?
he asked and you shook ur head

you-shut up it's been a day
you whispered and he stumbled back smiling

caly-i'll see you in the library 1st lesson!
he called out as you closed the door cleaning up the living room...

you had just finished cleaning and threw your shirt off leaving you in the booty shorts and ur bra but just seconds before going upstairs the doorbell rang...

shit. i just put my shirt in to wash..

you pulled the door opened to kole with the bag of food still looking as beautiful as ever

he lightly gasped at the sight of you and you stepped back taking the bag from him

you-come in
you smiled and he did so closing the door behind him

you-i was about to change becuase i got taco sauce on my shirt
you shook your head placing the leftovers onto a plate

you-i only had 1 and it was tiny what a rip off
you complained making him laugh

kole-well then you should be thankful i brought leftovers for you
he joked as you slid a spoon onto the plate going over to the stairs

you-this looks so good
you smiled to him

kole-so im just gonna watch you eat?

you-i mean no, you're gonna apologise
you corrected him now taking seat on your bed as he followed behind you

kole-well um it's a little difficult to apologise when you're eating and i'd rather you eat first
he chuckled nervously stood against your draws

you took a mouthful of the food keeping eye contact with him being blown away by the amazing taste

you-oh my god
you whispered in shock covering your mouth making him giggle

he asked and you nodded swallowing your mouthful

you-super good
you agreed taking another spoonful

kole-i made it
he whispered blowing you away

you-you did?

he nodded sitting beside you

kole-when i got there they roped me into making the food with them and id learnt the recipe so i made you an entire new meal, as a sorry of course
he smiled wiping the sauce from your lip licking it from his finger

wow that was hot.

you sat dumbfounded watching him smirk

you-apology accepted
you answered immediately getting some more food onto your spoon

kole-but i didn’t even apologise
he teased sliding closer to you

you-you just did
you whispered back lifting the spoon up to him

you-try your cooking
you smiled and he took it in his mouth trying not to laugh from your small giggles

kole-it's really good
he whispered covering his mouth eating it

you smiled getting yourself some more food ready

kole-you um..forgive me?

you nodded focused on ur food and he smiled

kole-well its almost 11pm i should go
he said about to stand up as you pulled him back

you-you're staying tonight
you demanded watching him smile

kole-oh am i?
he asked sliding up onto your pillows

you-i didn't lie to caly for nothing
you whispered making him smile

kole-so, what movie we watching then?

movie and dinner with him.

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