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Hello everyone, I'm a fan of Strike Witches. This is my novel adaptation of Witches of Aurora, a manga series by Kyogoku Shin. The adaptation is closely based on the original work, in addition to some inner monologues which contain my personal interpretations of certain characters and scenes.

Witches of Aurora is my favorite manga series and I have been wondering what it would be like if it were a novel. Also, translating is one of my biggest hobbies and I believe the conversion from one medium to another (in this case it's manga and novel) is also a form of translation. Therefore, I decided to give it a try, to satisfy my curiosity and at the same time, hone my skills as a writer, an image-to-text translator and an English learner. Aside from self-entertainment, the principal motive behind this work of mine is to open as many people's eyes as possible to the beauty of this lesser-known manga series and — an Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen you cannot see in the anime.

As far as I have seen, Eila has got fewer and fewer chances to meet us in her normal state. The production staff only use her as an airheaded Sanya stan and a yuri cow. A certain scene in the final episode of Road to Berlin is a good example. The audience, on the other hand, are content with Eila's character and development remaining "Sanya and nothing." The majority of fanfictions depict her in a way as if Eila is just for Eilanya, or worse, in some, a lovestruck, immature brat who always prioritizes the wrong thing and reclusively locks herself deep in the tower named Eilanya. "Sanya'' and "hetare" (ヘタレ) have become the only two keywords popping into most people's heads upon the mention of Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen. However, this character is more than that. You can find proof in Witches of Aurora, where you will see a lifelike, well-characterized Suomus ace with heart, mind, flesh and blood, carrying herself with ever-present perkiness, self-confidence and cheerful aplomb, possessing a kind heart underneath an impish, mischievous appearance. Witches of Aurora might be the only work allowing us a glimpse of Eila's undistorted side. Also, this manga series is like a narrative wikia of Suomus' most iconic witches. Such natures make it a must-read about Eila. Therefore, I feel I have every reason to do something to help it come into more people's views. As a result, I put pen to paper in an attempt to exert my minimal influence presenting the best Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen to the world and reminding Eilanya shippers of the sane, normal side of this "Sanya-philic" idiot.

It would be my pleasure to fly with you in the sky of Suomus in 1942.

Sincerely yours,


Disclaimer: I don't own Strike Witches.

Hereby I'd like to express my gratitude to my beta reader ThanyTony, to whom I owe the readability of this work of mine.

[Strike Witches] Witches of Aurora Novel AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now