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Tsk I am so stupid..
I left them on a bloody training even tho they just doing hand-to-hand combat tsk tsk tsk..

I'm still on my sport bra and a loose black long sleeve short with pants 'tsk I have to wear my uniform? Tsk whatever..' I thought as I button my blouse then grab the straps and put it together

Putting on the boots then went towards the door, open it and closed it afterwards

I went to their training area while people I walked across greet me and say hi
Which I greet back and I found the training Field then Found them and saw they're goofing around

Sasha and Connie doing some kind of ninja pose and
Jean just scold them then mikasa and Annie are gonna start a fight ugh tch

Walking towards them and start scolding them "tsk tsk I told you guys, don't goof around.." I said with a glare while putting my hands on pockets of my pants. When I was about to scold them, someone yelled

"A WALL HAS BEEN BREACHED!!" The Soldiers immediately ran towards the gear Storage

"Tsk! Since when!.. Go get your gear soldiers!" I yelled as they followed my command

I ran fast towards Erwin's office As I immediately bursts to the door "Commander! A Wall has been breached!" Erwin looked at me with wide eyes

"Prepare for evacuation for the people on that district!.." he got up and walked out
And I'm right beside him running

Levi And the others are on the cafeteria so we ran and ran until we busted the door

"Oi! Haven't you heard the alarm? A wall has been breached!"

Getting my gear on me which it worked,
all I need is to succeed this expedition. "Captain!" My crew said while running up to me

"What's the plan?" They said while huffing
"Just protect Eren with the Levi Squad just in case..and don't trust anyone around..And of course Kill titans that across your path.."
I said while walking away towards the exit then went to the area where the wall has been breached

My crew is protecting Eren with The Levi Squad
I felt Someone is following me so I looked behind me and saw Levi

"Y/n!" I landed on a roof of an house as Levi followed and land perfectly

"What is it levi?, did something happen??"
I asked as Levi shook his head as a response

"No..I just want to say be careful.. You know how it is.." Levi said as he frowned his eyebrows

"I'll be ok you know I'm can protect myself with my powers..your the one that I should worry about.." I replied as he let a small smile

"Tsk I'll should head back and protect the idiot with your squad...Bye y/n" he waved goodbye and flew back to where his and my squad is

"Bye!..." I said as I went to the opposite direction of his

As I was flying and killing titans that I can see,
I saw people near the evacuation gates.. some guy was saying shit to pull his carriage to the gate and people didn't do it

I think that's the guy that feed food to soldiers tsk
His food are disgusting..glad I didn't eat that soup when I was just a cadet.

A big thud was heard from near them
And coming closer..Of course Its those naked monsters, they're multiple of them

Captain F! Y/n x Mikasa x AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now