4: Silent girl. Still a troublesome type of woman.

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Shikamaru laid on his back, staring at the ceiling. So he's finally back huh? He thinks to himself. The sound of light feet on wooden floor caught his attention. Getting up, he walked out of his room and saw the bluenette outside, walking around. He rose a brow as she looked around for something. She wore a white t-shirt three sizes to big for her small form, and black shorts. Yumemi walked over to a tree. Will she walk up the tree? He tilted his head at the question. She grabbed the tree and wrapped her legs around it. Shikamaru smirked with amusement as she tried to climb it as if she was a bear. Her hand slipped and her body fell towards the ground.

Yumemi shut her eyes tightly, expecting to feel the rough ground. When she felt something wrap around her and land, she cracked her violet eye open. Shikamaru set her down and sighed. "How troublesome, that's not how you climb a tree you know." She stared blankly at him. He wore a mesh shirt and casual pants unlike the uniform he wore earlier that day. She furrowed her brow and looked at the tree. "Ninjas climb trees differently." He explains. He walked over to the tree. She thought he'd run into it but her eyes widen as he starts walking up the trunk as if it was the floor. "We use chakra like this and also to stand on water."

He observed her face that barely changed except for the look of confusion. He sighed and jumped off the tree, landing in front of her. "You have no clue what I'm talking about, do you?" She shook her head at him. "Do you want to learn?" He asked with a raised brow. The girls face went blank for a long moment before nodding her head. He had observed her some at dinner a few hours ago and noticed that she was quite sharp. When a sound was made she would turn her head or her eyes twitched, she followed small movements and seemed to think deeply about everything being said to her just like when he asked her his question. If she had training, she just might be able to become a ninja.

He gave her the basic explanation in the simplest way. She still seemed confused on how its even used. She wiggled her fingers at the tree to see if something would happen. He couldn't help but laugh. "You need hand seals. Chakra isn't wielded at random." She nodded and looked at her hands. "I'll give you something simple to try. Clone jutsu." He makes hand signs slowly for her to memorize and a clone appeared beside him. She practiced the pattern a few times so she won't mess up. "When your ready release your chakra from within you. Make sure both the spiritual and physical are the same amount or else you will get a failure."

She stared blankly for a moment. The voice of her sister echoed in her head. 'Remember the feeling when you enter water, and your hands and feet change? Recreate that feeling'. Why is she talking when she isn't even in water now? That thought was met with a giggle.

He watched as she looked out of focus but her head popped up a moment later. She did the hand signs quickly and a perfect clone appeared behind her. She looked at it curiously. The two Yumemi's copy each others movement like a mirror to test if it was real. He was surprised that she managed the simple E-rank technique on the first try. Sure it used very little chakra but she knew absolutely nothing before he told her. "Well, that's surprising." He mumbled. He looked at the sky and sighed. What a drag, morning is coming and he hasn't even slept yet. "Go to bed, I need to do the same if I'm going to help get your clothes." He looked at her only to see that she was sleeping against the tree. "Troublesome woman." He mumbled and picked her up. He thought it would be a walk in the park to watch over a timid and silent girl for once. He thought wrong. When placing the girl back into her futon, he walked to his own room to get as much sleep as he could.


She woke up with the sun brightly shining on her face, her bright hair splayed across the futon and floor. Her eyes cracked open slowly. How long ago has it been since she slept so peacefully. The things that had occurred yesterday emerged in her hazy mind. Nice people, food, under watch, ninjas?, and jutsu. She was confused about the last two. She got up and dressed into her white tank top and black leggings. She slides the door of her room open and peered out. 'What are you up to Yumi?' her sisters curious voice sounded in her mind. How are you even speaking to me right now. 'something changed when you came here.'

Beautiful beast Ugly heart (Shikamaru shippuden)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang