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I won a competition that I didn't know I had entered, a fully paid trip to Korea to 'get this' to spend a whole 2 weeks with stray kids. Now come on this must be a joke right? Someone trying to pull a fast one or something. It's weird how it's only for one right I can't take my best friend they said if it is real go for it and that they are very happy for me. What the hell do I do? Here is the email I got.

Dear y/n

Jyp entertainment would like to congratulate you for winning our one time opportunity to spend 2 weeks with stray kids, learning there moves, getting to know them personally, having breakfast, lunch and dinner with them and just hanging out having fun.

We will pay for all travel to Korea and the best hotel Seoul has to offer. We will first pick you up from the gimpo international airport take you to the hotel and get you all checked in and your baggage put in your room then take you to JYP entertainment studios where you will meet J.Y. Park and go though the little bits and bobs before meeting the members of stray kids.

You will find attached a document which I would like you to read through closely and respond within a week and we can start the process. Once we receive your response myself and J.Y. Park will set up a videoconference where you will meet the individual that will pick you up from the airport and that all the information we need to book flights for you.

Sadly this is only for one person as we only arrange this for one person.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully
Min Hangul
J.Y.P Entertainment

Myself and my best friend read though the email and the documents thoroughly and it seems legit I don't know what to do it seems real, could it be real?

"Okay if I reply I could have a face time with jyp or just some random person who is playing a joke, I guess" I say.

"okay go for it. If this is real this will be insanely cool" My best friend replied.

I write out an email back confirming I would like the trip and I am really thankful for this opportunity.

Days go by and we haven't hear anything. I start to give up it was all just a joke someone laughing hard at a fool falling a silly little joke. I know how mean people can be.

Exactly a week later when I have completely given up on the whole thing and I have an email, my heart is pounding I read it out to my best friend

Dear y/n

Thank you for responding to our email sorry for the later response.

If you are available on the 15th Mr park will be video calling you at 12 pm from this email ~~~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~.com . If you are unavailable please contact us before the 14th
Thank you

Kind regards
Min Hangul
At J.Y.P Entertainment

"Oh my... could this really be happening?" I can't breathe. I could die right now. "Do you think this is real bestie" I asked.

"I don't know but we will see in 3 days. If JY Park really FaceTimes you or just some weirdo pulling a prank" They replied. Man I hope this is real I really really want this to be real, to be able to meet stray kids and get to really know them would be so amazing.

—The next day—

This waiting thing is driving me crazy, not knowing, thinking all sources what if it is fake and it's just for a YouTube video someone is doing or what if I get to Korea and I get kidnapped? But what if it is real and I make a fool of myself. God my brain is on fire thinking of all different situations.

Please be real please god let this be real....

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