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Nialler7 added lukethepenguin, calpal, mikey69, ashsmash to the group chat.

Nialler7: what's up dickheads

thetommo: niall, who the fuck did you add to the group convo?

Nialler7: oh right! fellas this luke, ashton, calum, and michael

Nialler7: they have a band that nobody knows about too !!!

harrystyles: Oh, well, hello lads. Nice to meet all of you.

ashsmash: wassup??????/????//???

10inch_lad: hey guys! i'm liam.

lukethepenguin: hello!!! im luke!!! and i love penguins!!! wby???

calpal: so, you guys have a band too?

harrystyles: Yes, we're called One Direction. We aren't quite serious yet, but I think we sound great!

mikey69: cool

mikey69: we're called 5 Seconds of Summer. we just make youtube videos.

thetommo: wow cool! so niall, how do you know these guys??

Nialler7: i watch their videos on youtube all da time!! i emailed ashton once saying how much i love their music but i didn't know he would actually respond!! HOW COOL IS THAT???

10inch_lad: so cool niall.

harrystyles: Yes, very amazing.

thetommo: I'll have to check you guys out sometime

lukethepenguin: yeahhhhhh !!!

thetommo: So

thetommo: anyone else here gay?

ashsmash: *raises hand slowly*

calpal: i am gay !!! and v proud

calpal: (not v as in vagina, its v as in very )

10inch_lad: I have a girlfriend..soz guys

harrystyles: I am in fact gay.


Nialler7: UR GAY????!!!!111/?1/1

harrystyles: Yes Niall, I am gay.

10inch_lad: was it not obvious enough at practice when louis and harry just so happen to have to "go to the bathroom" at the same time?

Nialler7: Ohhhh never thought of that....

lukethepenguin: *raises hand slowly* Im gay....


calpal: what the fuck ashton how did u not know that

10inch_lad: its crazy how much we don't know about each other and we're in bands together

harrystyles: Yes, quite crazy.

thetommo: alright guys well it was nice meeting you! but I've gotta go babysit my sisters brb!

harrystyles: What does 'brb' mean?

mikey69: it means DEEZ NUTS

calpal: HA GOTTEE

mikey69: AYEEEE

calpal: AYE

thetommo: ok,..... well see ya later bye fagsss ily ttylxox

mikey69: hey I'm not homo!

ashsmash: oh really? nice username

mikey69: oh okay :(

calpal: aw mikey's upset now :((((

ashsmash: he'll get over it

mikey69: no i won't

calpal: awww well ily mikeyyy!!!!

mikey69: ilyt calum ;) <3

Nialler7: oh yeah, defiantly no homo michael

mikey69: ok I'm bi.

calpal: yAyyyyyy!!!!!¡!!!!!1!!!!!!

calpal: nOW WE CAN D8

ashsmash: yaaassss I ship malum

mikey69: malum? what is a malum?

ashsmash: u and calum's ship name duh



harrystyles: Well, it was great talking to you guys, but I have to go now. Talk to you all later :)


ha this story is probably gonna suck but w/e

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