chapter 4. I cant wait.

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I wait as the doctors tell me what happened. One of his blood tubes detached, he was ok. Then they tell me I need to go home and sleep. "I can't" I say. The doctors had already walked off when I saw him. It looked like he was shot about 7 times and ran over a little. The devil man. He was dead. The blonde doctor was taking him to the basement. Streber was safe i thought. Then he blinked. The devil man. Just as I saw them leaving to the basement. I don't know what I felt. I felt scared, angry, confused. I cleared all that from my mind. Streber is safe here. The devil guy isn't my problem I can't wait for streber to wake up to see his warm smile.. I drift asleep while Picturing us holding hands.. Stay tuned for chapter 5, a certain devil might be waiting!

kevin x streber. made by hayden. tictok: spooky..month..fanWhere stories live. Discover now