Before Now

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When you met Dani Burns you were just 15. You, Y/n was the new kid who moved from north Virginia to Griffin Rock, Maine. It was just you, your older brother and your mom. Your dad died during Kindergarten.

You were going to Sophomore year in a new town without knowing anybody. No choice you just went with the idea that you're not gonna have any friends because, most of the people here probably don't come from anywhere else. Your shy and it's not easy to make friends in high school.

On your first day you remember having classes with this particular girl. You probably had 6 classes with her. Her name was Danielle Burns but she's better known as Dani. From all 6 classes you had with her, you coincidently became partners in two of them.

From what people said in classes, her family had a good reputation in town. A rescue family, with a father being police officer serving for more than 25 years. Her older brother following his Burn's family footsteps was on the way to becoming a firefighter after he graduated last year before you came.

She never minded you. She interacted well with others, but it's not like Dani had much friends. She had acquaintances such as befriending the artistic kids or some of the underrated athletes. However on the first day during lunch you saw her when you passed her table. Only two people sat there, her and a boy with dirty blonde hair and glasses.

After you saw them you walked out of the lunchroom and sat alone out there. This went on for three days of sitting alone and not talking to anybody outside of class. Besides it doesn't matter to you since you're pretty much invisible. At the end of the week Dani was running late to lunch and saw you sitting on the floor on your iPod. You guys made awkward eye contact. It was surprising when she came back out and joined you. From that, you guys  went on from there.

By the time sophomore year was over you and Dani were best friends and very close. Throughout the year you got to know Dani, her likes and her family. Dani knew a lot about you, your interests, your life before Griffin Rock. Both of you found that your lives were common and relatable. You guys sometimes struggled to fit in, you both had a single parent, and at least an older brother.

By junior year you both began going out with each other. You'd also met each other's family. Meeting Dani's family, her dad who was chief police officer, two older brothers Graham the guy who you saw occasionally during sophmore year, and Kade, who are now both graduated. She even had a younger brother who was in first grade, Cody. Dani met your mom and your older brother who she found him to be similar to kade, except with a smaller ego.

Through the times you guys went to the beach or took Cody out on a drive by the town square or prank called your brother's job or even during your first prom you couldn't help but secretly admire Dani. There was something about her that was perfect to you. And while you never noticed, Dani wanted to protect you, make you feel safe.

And yeah there were times where things got serious. Like where Chief Burns and her argued, or when the anniversary of your dad's passing came, times where you feel really lonely or even when a guy from another local highschool pranked you and Dani had to go beat him up. During hard times you guys found comfort.

You grown feelings for Dani over the summer after you finished junior year. It's a simple crush, but a simple crush managed to be painful. Y/n knew that Dani would never feel the same. Dani saw you most likely as the younger sister (even though she's a few months older) that she'd never have. Another thing you noticed was that you and Dani never really talked about the subject of romance or any possible interests in anyone. Like anyone else, Y/n just kept quiet and hoped that the feelings would go away sometime soon.

Senior year.

You and Dani knew what you guys are going to do after highschool. Because she's really interested in flying, Dani was going to try and follow her family's footsteps, she planned on going to air emergency services. You were still deciding in what you were doing and if you were staying at Griffin Rock or returning to the mainland. The mainland is your home, and you have everything there. But Dani is here at Griffin Rock and so is your family and this is where their comfort's at. It's only a matter of time before you make a decision.

When you told Dani your plans she said that you should stay here in Griffin Rock so that you guys can get an apartment so you'd both won't have to miss each other half of the time.

Every last minute of senior year was spent with Dani. Senior sunrise, skipping classes, pranks, portraits, cap decorating, yearbook signing, and the very last day of school before graduation. Even though it was just the two of you every minute, nothing about it was regrettable.

After graduation ceremony you guys respected your family's celebrations and didn't wait to meet up with each other until later that night. Sometime after midnight you guys went up by the mountain and saw the city lights. As much as you wanted to go back to the mainland, something tells you that you won't be going back so soon.

Dani was telling you that in the middle of June she was going to start some helicopter training followed by some medical training. That night, you both had a very deep conversation about the mysteries of life now. But little did any of them know that it would be their last.

Since that day Y/n and Dani haven't seen each other since. They've texted everyday and called once every week or two. After June, nothing from Dani just stopped. Even by the time it was fall and Dani said the course would last all summer, still nothing from her.

Dani has her own life now, you can tell. You're both now adults. You forced yourself stop worrying about her, and time to get a life of your own.

Highschool's highschool. Everything stays there. Now she's only part of the memory of those years.

Word count 1079

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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