Just a Handful of Aiden Headcanons

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I've had these headcanons in the back of my mind since forever, and I finally get to share them (yay)! Without further ado, let's begin!

1. He is a homosexual trans man; his pronouns are he/him. My idea is that he's always had gender dysphoria even as a kid, but he didn't realize something was off until he hit puberty. The moment he gained...uhh...let's go with...pancakes...yeah...the moment he got pancakes, he immediately wanted to get them the fuck off. I also imagine he has a lot of height dysphoria, but he knows there's nothing he can do about that. As for his sexuality, he's always been attracted to men. I don't think I need to elaborate further on that.

2. He's autistic. Why do I headcanon this? Because I'm autistic and I said so. Kidding, kidding (only half). I guess for this one, I can see a lot of my own autistic traits in him.  I imagine that his teddy bear is his comfort object, something I know isn't uncommon to have among us neurodivergent folk.  Hell, I even have a comfort object similar to that, and it helps me to calm down in stressful situations.  That's essentially what I imagine the teddy bear is for; also it reminds him of his childhood, mostly of his mother, who gave it to him as a kid.  I'll talk more about Aiden's family in a bit, now let's move onto his autistic traits.  Another thing that could be an autistic trait is his fear of thunder, or more specifically, the loudness of it.  For us autistic folk, I know it's common to be sensitive to loud noises, so much to the point that they can cause panic attacks. Because of how much he tries to repress these traits (ex. Trying to convince James he was ok when it started thundering), I don't think he's very open about his diagnosis, likely because he doesn't want people to judge him for it. Moving on, his special interest is Total Drama, and I imagine other reality TV competitions as well, but mostly Total Drama. Ever since he was a kid, he's loved reality shows and has wanted to be in one, to the point that the idea consumed his being. That's all for this headcanon.

3. He loves music. Not much to go off of in canon, but I just like this idea, especially with the autism headcanon, the idea of him stimming with music. I imagine he likes emo bands in particular, like MCR, P!ATD, and such.  Going along with this headcanon, I imagine that he can also sing.  I know his English VA at least is an amazing singer, and so I have the idea that he would be, too! Uhh yeah.

4. He's a Highly Sensitive Person, or HSP. He overthinks situations very often, and even more often gets told that he's being sensitive to said situations. He always has to avoid watching scary stuff because of the intense feelings it gives, like when he watched the horror movie with James.  He's not just emotionally sensitive, but he's sensitive to physical sensations, as well.  He can't stimulate his senses too much or it will greatly stress him out.  This also kinda ties into the autism headcanon, but I'll keep them separate for now.

5. In his family, he has his mom and dad (who are now divorced) and an older sister. His sister is only a few years older than him, but she's made his life a complete hell. She bullied him often when they were kids and even teens, and their dad always took her side. He doesn't view anything of what she does as wrong; just playful teasing. In his mind, it's nothing but sibling rivalry. Then again, he favors her over Aiden, and it's blatantly obvious. He spoils the shit out of her, getting her all of her favorite material goods, and what does Aiden get? He gets yelled at by his father for being "too sensitive" and that he'll always be a girl. His mother is much kinder to him, knowing that he can't control how he feels about certain shit. She's kind, nurturing, and doesn't take anyone's bullshit; that's why she decided to get a divorce from the prick she married, taking custody of Aiden, while he took custody of Aiden's sister. Aiden hardly ever sees his dad and sister anymore, but he's not complaining.

6. He has a strong relationship with his mother. Tying into the last headcanon, his mother is his biggest supporter and best friend. She's supported him all of his life, often standing up for him when he was unable to do it himself. She is the mommiest mom to ever mom, essentially. Her cooking is amazing, and she gives the best hugs. She has even helped pay for Aiden's transition and usually helps him with his T shots. Aiden has been significantly happier once it was just him and his mom; his other immediate family members caused him significant stress.

Those are all the ones I can think of right now!  I'm planning on doing a one-shot revolving around Rosa Maria next in honor of what Odd Nation Cartoons put on Webtoon.  All I will say is prepare for angst.

Anyways, that's it for this chapter!  See you guys in the next one!

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