Friendship // &Auditionboy Hikaru

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Friendship short novel

Can you explain what friendship is?


That day was Monday, the day everyone had to go to school, not for animals ... Among all the people there was a beautiful, tall woman who walked to her classroom.
"Good morning," she said to her classmate.
"Good morning Nahi" Nahi's classmate replied

Nahi then sat down at her set.

"Hi Nahi" A man's voice made her look at the man's beautiful smile.

"Oh hi Hikaru" Nahi whispered to him.
Hikaru grabbed Nahi's hand making Nahi surprise

"We have been friends for almost 4 months, but have never hang out, so this afternoon we should do it.

Nahi didn't say anything, she just shake her head with a bored face, making Hikaru very upset to see such a face, Nahi agreed.

skip ...

Hikaru and Nahi visit a park in Japan.

"We sit there" said Hikaru and Nahi agreed .. They both sat down on the chair.

"Do you want to eat something?"
"No ..."
"Oh ok"
Nahi doesn't say anything, making Hikaru think she might be angry with him.

<< Umm Nahi?  >> Hikaru calls her
"Yes?"  >> Reply by Nahi

Hikaru sigh and asked her

"Are you ok?" Asked Hikaru.
"Im fine," Nahi replied anxiously.

"But you're ..."
"I told you I'm fine !!  After saying that, Nahi walked away, leaving Hikaru alone

From that day on, the two never talked to each other making their classmates confused

Hikaru and Nahi have not spoken to each other for almost two weeks..


One day Nahi pick up her bag and went home.. Hikaru decided to follow her because he want to say sorry.. but not only a minute...Hikaru saw a man try to touch Nahi's body he couldn't wait any longer so he gives a man one punch making the man fall

" Are you ok ?! "

Hikaru ask Nahi, but Nahi doesn't say anything she just stare at the man who point a gun to Hikaru..

" Hikaru look out!!! "



Nahi could only cry seeing her friends collapse to ground with pool of blood, and the man ran away after shooting Hikaru

" Hikaru! " Nahi run to him and hold him tight. Her tear won't stop falling. Hikaru cough blood but still smile

" A are we still friend? " Hikaru ask her In a painful way

" Of course we are... just hold on everything gonna be alright... you'll be fine.."

Hikaru just shake his head knowing he gonna leave soon ..he touch her face with a smile that he use to give her ...Nahi tear keep falling staring at poor dying boy ... Hikaru suddenly cough blood again

" Hikaru please.." Nahi begging him and hug him tight in a rain, and Hikaru eyes slowly close and whisper his last word

" Thank you for being friends with me..."

Nahi stop for a second... She couldn't believe her eyes... She couldn't hear his heartbeat. His eyes were closing. Nahi break down crying Hard. She keep shouting his name hope for him to wake up

" Hikaru! Please wake up .I'm sorry I'm sorry for left you alone "

7 months later

Nahi is sitting infront of Hikaru's grave , tear fall down

" I wonder why you still want to be friends with me ? "

" You should find someone who understands you the most "

" But thank you for being friends with me "

Nahi give a small smile

" It's ok you can rest whatever you want thank you for everything "

Nahi looking at the sky and smile because she knew he was there

" Thank you so much Nahi. Even my life is short but thank you for making me feel special"

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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