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[stand name]: bold inside of brackets
Talking: "hi"
Thoughts: 'hello'
Actions: *I say hello and move on*
Narrator: bold

Late at night at IS academy inside of the dorm rooms every student but one is sleeping. The student that has sleep elude them is ichika orimira sitting in his bed remembering the day he was kidnapped this had led him to many sleepless nights where he can do nothing but remember what he saw that day including the bizarre phonons he saw from one women and something he saw standing next to her.

*flash back*
POV young ichika

Ichika: 'I'm at a where house somewhere and they just made a threat to chifuyu.' *he shifts around his hands* 'the ropes loose on my hands if I can get out of it I can free my body and legs.'

*A man walks into the room and punches ichika before pulling out a knife*

Man: "I'm not sorry kid even though I'm not supposed to cutting out your eye should satisfy me for now after all I kill there for I am." *he moves towards ichika and suddenly Instead of foot steps glass gently touching the floor can be heard* suddenly his eyes look blood shot and he stops just before ichikas chair and drops the knife he's holding when the knife lands it shatters like glass. Behind the man stands a women who has something that is constantly changing shape behind her before it changes into a mass of hands and grabs him*

Women: "We need him alive and unharmed for our plan to work. Isn't that right." *light shines on the mans body and he looks glossy she then pulls out a chisel and gently taps away at his nose small sounds of glass being shaved away can be heard* "His sister needs a reason to come here if he's dead he the plan fails and she kill the non IS user aka you and the rest of your group." *while she chisels away while talking to him you hear a muffled echoed screech in pain barely audible but clear enough to be in unnerving.*

Ichika: 'What is that thing behind her it keeps changing shapes.'

While ichika ponders this the women notices him looking behind her

Women: "Oh you can see it that means either means you have one, two fully awakened to it yet, you recently awakened it and don't know how to use it."

*Ichika in the eyes of the women faintly glows blue for a moment before it disappears while ichika can't fully see her face but the figure behind her is clear as day.*

Women: "You've entered a bizarre world Ichika Orimura. *an alarm goes off* I have to evacuate for now and next time we meet I'll kill you." *with a sickeningly sweet smile*

*end of flashback*

Ichika: "I still remember it like it was yesterday." 'She is a part of phantom task and one of the three operatives that attacked us during our festival.'

*The memory a women with long orange hair stands in a locker room watching ichika from behind before reintroducing herself to ichika with a sadistic smile on her face*

Ichika sits on his bed now focused on the present looking over at a map of the school and a paper he's kept since he was younger now more like an actual file with the help of tabane titled phantom pain which had pain scribbled out with a pink pen which changed it to fall

*Ichika opens a drawer and grabs a ear piece before putting it in his ear before tapping it*

Ichika: "It's time operation phantom pain."

Tabane: "You mean phantom fall"

Ichika: "Whatever news about what I can do to escape IS academy for now since I can't take my IS due to the tracker so I'll need to send it to you or make sure it's in a place you can get it easy."

Tabane: "Ikkun don't worry about that I'll make sure to take care of it so you will be able to use your IS freely after I remove the tracker so leave it in your room. For now I installed a holo map on your ear piece and talk to me while your on the move outside."

Ichika: "Understood."

Ichika starts to move out of his room into the dark hall way an unsettling feeling as he loops the camera footage. his thoughts linger on an the man's knife that shattered like glass

Ichika: 'just what was that it was changing shapes yet became her tie when she left. For now I need to take a left and get to the monorail. Step 2 head home or to dan's house to crash for the night. Step 3 wait for Tabane to get my I.S. Tracker removed and track down the base in Italy to help find the main base.'

*Ichika sneaks around a corner as evades a wandering teacher as he continues to slowly make his was to the monorail before seeing Maya Yamada.*

Maya Yamada is a young women who is short and who's dress dose not fit teacher and it's a klutz when it comes to teaching but combat she's an entirely different beast with her sniping and piloting skills making chifuyu try the bare minimum.

*Ichika waits for her to leave for him before making a break for it as he moves to a vent and starts to unscrew it.*

Ichika: 'one debit card not in my name as well as some nano tech from Tabane'

*As soon as he pockets it and the items and fixes the vent he hears a familiar voice*

Maya: "Whoever you are stay there if your a student you won't be punished if your not you'll be lucky getting out of here able to walk."

Ichika: 'If I'm caught I'll be under constant supervision by chifuyu then I won't get my revenge.'

*Her knuckles crack and turns of a flashlight as ichika sprints not being seen in the light but his figure not fulling being shown maya chases after him*

Maya: "Stop and you won't be harmed!"

*She partially deploys her sniper and gives a warning shot ichika seeing an opportunity sees chance to lose her takes it and runs down the hall way to meet a dead end*

Ichika: 'I'm stuck between a rock in a hard place.'

*The sounds of footsteps gets louder as maya approved the hallway.*

Ichika: 'No why just go away my only way out is a vent I can't open since I only loosened the one vent.'

*The steps grow louder as she enter the hall way.*

Ichika: 'Something anything give me a way out of here.'

*Ichika gains a blue glow unbeknownst to anyone and be hind him appears a octopus like figure with two on its tentacles wrapped around his shoulders and neck*

???: *several beeps come out of it*

Ichika: 'What is this what are you.'

*Ichika looks back at the tentacles and realize it's somewhat metallic looking.*

Chapter end

A/N: yeah bet you didn't expect a ISxjojo project well I was inspired by a fanfic that on this website when I was 13.

If you have suggestions for the first enemy stand please comment here since I love to have you guys help with suggestions

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