Chapter 5

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At the motel when the spies approached the building, Alex looked through the windows of the motel. While checking to see if anyone was inside, but only to find no one inside. Sam picked at the lock at the motel, seeing that the door was locked when she attempted to open the motel doors. As soon as she picked at the lock, she managed to get it open within at least 2 minutes of fiddling with the locked door. Upon opening the motel door, Sam looked around to see no one there.

"No one's here by the looks of it." Sam said.

"Where could anyone possibly be? I mean like, where can these monsters be coming from in Silent Hill?" Clover questioned when the girls heard a thump from down the hallway on the left of the front desk.

"What was that?" Sam asked while startled by the sound from down the hall.

"It sounded like from down the left side." Alex said as she and her friends ran down the left side of the hallway, just wondering what that sound was. When they approached the end of the hallway, they saw that a person was leaning against the wall while sitting down. It happened to be one of Mandy's friends, and she looked like she had a huge gash on the head along with blood trickling down from the head.

"What's going on? Who are you three?" Dominique said she was the one that made a thud sound. But what questioned the spies was what hit her head? And who hit her head to make that gash appear on her head? It was a mystery to them, but they were concerned for Dominique's safety. Not only that she had a gash on her head, but she also had a couple of slashes across her stomach, they were bleeding and by the looks of it, she wasn't gonna last much longer.

"Dominique, it's us; Sam, Clover and Alex. What happened to you?" Sam asked, crouching down to her rival's level. "I know we're enemies and all, but we want to know what happened to you."

Dominique coughed before looking at Sam, who held her hand in pleading to tell her along with Clover and Alex what was going on.

"Sam, Clover, Alex.." Dominique said weakly, looking at Sam and her best friends. "You're all in danger while in Silent Hill, there's monsters that will hunt you all down...Tim Scam along with Terrance, they tortured us and even hurt us in many ways."

"Where are they?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, they're either dead, alive or whatever the hell they are. Funny enough, I didn't expect to see you three on my deathbed." Dominique said with a chuckle.

"Now is not the time to joke around, you're dying." Clover said.

"I know, but I am telling you what I know, I gotta make the jokes while I last." Dominique said weakly. "Terrence is working for Pyramid Head, or that's from what I remember, haven't seen him since. Tim Scam, he tortured us physically, he's hurt Mandy the worse out of us all. Caitlin was beaten up as well as Mandy, but Tim went as far as violating her sexually."

The thought of Mandy being violated the way Dominique stated really shocked Sam along with Clover and Alex. Sure they didn't get along with Mandy, but they would never go as far as wishing something horrible to happen to her. This really got the spies to feel sorry for Mandy for what she went through as well as Dominique and Caitlin for what they have been through.

"Do you know where they are?" Sam asked.

"Caitlin, she's in high school from the last time I heard from Tim Scam. Mandy though, I have no idea what they did to her." Dominique answered weakly.

"Do you know if there's anything we can track them down?" Sam asked.

"If you go to the police station, there is a possibility that Mandy may be there and or possibly Caitlin." Dominique replied while coughing. "Get them out of here, there is no way to get me out of this, since I'm dying. Please keep Mandy and Caitlin safe, I know there's no way I am getting out of this alive for one. But for two, I know we all never got along in the past, I just want you to get my two friends out alive or at least one of them."

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