Into the Unknown

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Alnus Hill; 0300hrs

The tanks were the first to break through the Gate. Tavaris looked through the scope, his eyes having to quickly adjust to it. Nothing was in the scope, nothing but hills that looked eerily similar to the Selumna Peaks back home.

"All tanks, let's get into defensive positions. Artillery units, settle in behind us about 100 meters. Dismount the boys and get a recon team ready. I want eyes on the prize." He looked to his crew, nothing seemed to have changed about them, for Steven becoming a bit twitchy from anxiousness.

"This is Gunner 2, Taurus, check your thermals. I'm seeing a lot of activity on there." He heard his fellow commander say.

"Roger, switching to thermals." She was right. The thermal scope was picking up many bodies off in the distance. The thermal signatures rose steeply as if someone lit off an entire forest. He switched off his thermals and saw that was precisely the case. "Holy mother of God..."

"Enemy army has been spotted. 1500 meters. Requesting permission to fire." He heard the Paladin company commander say. "Gunner 1, do we have permission to engage?"

"Let's get some light on the target first. Fire off a salvo of star shells, then follow up with high explosive rounds." He popped open the hatch and checked the machine gun to make sure it was ready to fire. He could see the soldiers taking up positions next to the tanks, setting up firing positions and heavy machine guns. Even over the engine idling away beneath him, he could hear the shouts and horns of the opposing army. "Alright everyone, we're gonna hit 'em with the big guns and mop up anything that pulls through." He took a deep breath. "Weapons free! Give 'em hell boys and girls!"

"Ranged up! Fire for effect!" The Paladins opened fire on the advancing army. The shells soared through the sky and arched beautifully on target. Four large explosions in the distance confirmed their impacts.

"Good hits, lower range by 50 meters. Steven, ready on the gun?"

"You know it."

"All tanks, I'm marking center with my shot. Fire after my shot lands." Tavaris cocked the machine gun and got ready to fire. "Target Identified. Infantry, 1300 meters front. Fire at will!" The 120mm gun was brought back to life. The brief flash from the muzzle and the crisp crack through the air signaled that a shell was sent downrange. The other tanks followed in rapid succession, followed by the soldiers cleaning up with their machine guns. After about 10 minutes the enemy army was silenced.

"Cease fire, Ceasefire," Tavaris called out. They had fired around 10 rounds into the enemy. The whole battle was a massacre. This was unlike any battle they had fought during the Estovakian war, it was completely one-sided. Something told everyone present that this wouldn't be the last push. They were going to have to fight even more numbers.

Gracemeria Air Base; 1500 hrs...

Talisman had been called to action once again. Fresh off of another patrol over the skies of Gracemeria, he was pulled aside and brought to the office of the General of the Emmerian Air Force.

"Captain Howard, your actions during the war, well what's there to be said that hasn't been already." He said. "You were the Angel that our country needed back then. But we need you now as well..." The Captain nodded in agreement.

"I agree sir. But with our forces on the other side of the gate, we don't need air patrols running through these skies." Talisman had never been much for speaking, but since the war, he had become more and more vocal. And now he had the chance to voice his opinion to the General.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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