I dont know, You go ask me!

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MONGRELS. WHERE AM I . Archer yelled. Is that me what. Caster gasped at the two copies of him. We look identical..Mother didn't tell me I had brothers. Gilgamesh (UBW) sighed.

No we aren't brothers or some sorts.. we are all gilgamesh from different universes. I assume..Caster laid his chin on his hand.

What is this commotion in here! A voice yelled opening the doors. The three gilgameshs shocked as they found 3 more gilgameshs.

WHAT AM I DOING HERE WHEN I CAN WIN THE HOLY GRAIL NOW!!!! Archer cried. The other two looking at the male.

Who are you two? A male with a masked eyes said. It looked like alter Arthur.

ARTHUR?!?! AAHH E- Before Archer could unleash his EA. A yell was let out.

Please don't do that gilgamesh! The white mage appeared. It was supposedly merlin.

What the hell merlin? Where am I? Caster asked as he glared at the 3 other copies of him slinging into Arthur?

Why am I clinging into my enemy..Archer looked disgusted at the look of him hugging Arthur. His enemy.


So like, when are we gonna go home? I have the whole uruk waiting for my return. Caster sighed. That is not estimated yet..Merlin chuckled.

So that's me in a different universe? The UBW gilgamesh in the other world asked. Yes? So what? Just shut up damn it. The male fixed his jacket. Clearly annoyed.

I was this close to taking the holy grail..Archer looked at the mage in rage.

So 3 more of our darlings? 3 arthurs. What the hell. Yes your majesty..Merlin bowed to the 3 kings.

I'm thirsty, Grab me a drink Arthur. The blonde male took his black jacket off and threw it away at the table. Soon putting his legs on the table.

I like this versions. A voice called. You are all identical mongrels. Caster laughed as an insult. The knights guarding the room was nervous and scared. Who were they to insult the kings?

Next chapter soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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