Chapter Two

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Ivy's POV:
My alarm rips me out of my beautiful dreams. I groan. ''God it's way to early for that'' , i sigh and look at my phone. It's 3:00 am. I get up and walk to the little kitchen in my trailer to make myself a coffee. I rub over my face while the coffee machine pours the coffee into my cup. I'm really not a morning person. My Phone vibrates on the countertop. It's Sadie. I pick up the call. ''Hello?", I yawn. ''Good you're awake I just wanted to check in" she laughs. ''Thank you'', I say. ''Still not a morning person I guess", I can see the grin she has on her face right now. ''Nope this will never change I think". I grab my Cup and sit down on the Couch. ''So how was your talk with Joseph yesterday", I can see that she wiggles with her eyebrows. I have to laugh. Face time was the best. ''It was just a normal conversation ". ''He just wanted to get to know me because our roles have several scenes together" I shrug my shoulders. ''So what is your opinion about him" she looks at me through the phone. ''I don't know yet but he is really nice tho". "Good I have to go now I talk to you when we are getting our make up done, okay" I just nod. ''See you then" she hangs up. I scroll through my social media pages and drink my coffee. Then I hear a knock on my door. I sigh and get up from the couch to open the door. "Good Morning Darling", Joseph smiles at me. "Morning can I do something for you ?" I look at him. "Yeah I just thought I pick you up because we're supposed to be at styling in ten minutes". I take a look at my phone. "Shit okay let me just grab my jacket" I turn around and grab my sweater. I drink the last sip of my coffee and put the mug down on the counter. Then I grab my phone and go outside. Joseph looks at me. ''Not a Morning person huh?", he laughs. "Exactly" I yawn. He smiles and reaches into his pockets to pull out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He lights a cigarette. "Smoking huh?" He looks at me. "Does it bother you". I shake my head. "No I mean you're old enough tho", I laugh. "True". We just walk in silence for a few minutes. "Why do you wanted to become an actress", he asks. "I don't know it was just a dream of mine but somehow it became true I just love acting and all stuff around it", I shrug my shoulders. "I thought you are more the introverted person". "I am but when I'm acting I can hide that side of mine".
"I really thought that you're mean person tho" he looks over at me. "Mean?", I laugh. "Yeah I don't know you just gave me a baddie vibe tho" he smirks.
"I can be a baddie if I want to and I can be mean but just to people I really don't like" I laugh.

He smiles. "I like you Evans" he smiles at me. "I like you too Joseph" I look at my hands while walking towards the tent with all the Costumes. "Please call me Joe Darling" he grins. My heart starts to race. "Fine Joe" I smile. "Ivy come over here please" I hear the voice of Jonah my other Assistant. I already knew him for years. "I guess I see later then". "I hope so" he smiles. "Ivy move ya ass" I hear Jonah again. "See you later Babydoll" he winks at me. God why does it feel so good when he calls me like that. I walk over to Jonah. "Finally there you are" he hugs me very tight. I love him he was such my gay best friend and I love it. "I've missed you" he smiles. "I've missed you too".

"Okay let's get started" I follow him to the cloakroom. 
"Okay this are all your outfits for today" he tells me. I nod. While I get into the first Outfit he sats down on the little couch. "So is this a thing between Joseph and you" I turn to him. "What no we barely know each other tho". "Ohh someone is blushing" he laughs. "Stop it Jonah" I laugh. "You like him" he says and wiggles with his eyebrows. "Yeah as colleague" I put my shirt on and look into the mirror. "I love it".
"Slay it girl" he grins. "Okay I get you to the Hair and Make Up artists" he said. "Fine" I grab my phone and follow him. We're meeting Sadie on the way. "Hey girl" she smiles at me. "Hey" I smile back. We arrive at the trailer and we sit down together. "While the Make up artists start their work I tell Sadie everything about the conversation with Joe. "Sounds like somebody has a crush on you" she grins. "I told her that but she said he's just a colleague" Jonah said. "Because he is damn you two are worse than my mum I swear" Sadie and Jonah laugh. "You would be so cute together". I shake my head. ,,Funny that you can tell that after I had one conversation with him''. ''Hello we are your best friends '' Sadie laughs. ''True tho''. ''Sadie, Ivy we start in ten minutes'' I nod at the producer who told us. ''You should visit him after filming today'', Sadie whispers into my ear as we start walking over to the set. ''Maybe I will'' I smile at her. We start filming and the day goes by really fast. I had my first scene with Joseph and it was so much fun. After I was done with all my Scenes I walk back to my trailer. I took a quick shower. After I was done I dress myself in comfy Clothes and sit down on my Bed. I'll get the script for my next scenes and read my lines. I was so engrossed in my text that I didn't realize there was a knock on my door. ''Ivy are you there?''. I look up. ''Yeah just come in'', I shout. ''Hey'' he flashes me a smile. ''Hey'' I smile back at him. '' Sit down''. He sits down on the Couch. ''Tea?'', I look at him. ''Always Darling''. I smile. ''Why you always call me like that''. He looks at me. ''I don't know I just like calling you like that'', he smirks. ''Do you want me stop calling you like that''. ''No'' the answer comes way to fast. Damn Ivy what the hell is wrong with you. He smirks again. ''As I thought'' he plays with the rings on his fingers. ''God his Hands are-'' . I force myself not to think this thought through. I'll pass him the cup of tea.  " So what can I do for you ? " " I think we haven't gotten to know each other well enough " he gets up and comes towards me. Immediately, butterflies spread in my stomach again. " So Babydoll tell me more about yourself . " He's right in front of me now. I can smell the cigarettes in his breath, but it doesn't bother me.  " There is nothing interesting to tell about me . " I can stand his gaze but I can feel my legs getting weak. He puts his hands on my hips and pulls me closer to him and I gasp quietly. " Joe " .  " Do you feel uncomfortable ? " I shake my head.  " Use your words Babydoll " he looks at me.  " No, I don't feel uncomfortable " I bite my bottom lip. He's taking my chin between his fingers. Then he kisses me. First careful then more and more demanding. I'll put my hands under his shirt. I can't believe I'm actually doing this right now. But I didn't know what and especially how he did it to me but he had this incredible attraction. His hands also wander under my shirt and he kisses my neck. A gasp escapes me as he starts to suck easily on my skin. He pushes me slightly against the countertop and I feel him getting hard. I moan quietly.  " You like to be touched don't you darling " I nod. " I told you to use your words " his hand is around my neck and he squeezes slightly. God damn it, I love it.  " Sorry Joe ". I'm looking at him. He kisses me again. He lifts me up and puts me down on the countertop. As we continue to kiss, I ride my hands through his curls. Joe's about to take off my shirt when it knocks on my door. "Damn it", I curse. "Wait a minute " I shout. I'm jumping off the counter.  " Darling your hair " Joe grins at me.  " God damn " I reach for a hairband while tying my hair up, I open the door. It's Jamie. " Oh hey Jamie . "

" Hey , I was wondering if Joseph was here . " His grin is telling.   " Hey sorry I forgot we wanted to meet " Jamie just nods. " I'll be right there . " 
" Sure " Jamie leaves the trailer.  " I am not finished with you, Ivy " he whispers in my ear and immediately I get goose bumps. "See you tomorrow, Babydoll''


Hello, Hello,

I really hope you liked the Chapter :)

Have fun reading it.

Hope you have a great week :)

Lots of love

Anni 🖤

Call me Babydoll - a Joseph Quinn FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now